
Translate the visually selected text in Neovim.

Primary LanguageLua


This Neovim plugin allows you to translate selected text using Crow Translate (required on your system).

Text will be replaced over the selection.


Using lazy.nvim:

    lazy = true,
    cmd = { "CrowTranslate" },
    opts = {
        -- Japanese to English if selected text includes Japanese characters
        language = "ja",
        mask = "[ぁ-んァ-ン一-龥]", -- regex for your language detection
        default = "en", -- alternative language
        engine = "google", -- google, bing, libretranslate, lingva, yandex


Select text in visual mode and run :CrowTranslate. Text will be replaced with the translation.

-- Example keymap with which-key
local wk = require("which-key")
    T = { "<cmd>CrowTranslate<cr>", "Translate selected text" },
}, { mode = "x" })

The direction will be automatically detected based on the selected text and the mask option.

Alternatively, you can specify the direction manually by passing argument to command:

:CrowTranslate en

Known issues

  • Windows is not supported, PRs are welcome.

