
A short summary on settiing up a container on Silverblue for development

MIT LicenseMIT


Operating System

Pre-requisite packages

Package Source URL
toolbx Included https://containertoolbx.org/
Podman Desktop Software Center https://podman-desktop.io/

Create toolbox

  • Use included toolbx to create a container, by default uses the same OS as host - this is what I do below:
toolbx create github-dev

Enter the container

toolbx enter github-dev
  • The terminal will change to reflect entering the container, else you can verify the container is initialized in Podman Desktop
  • If using VS Code, remotely connect to the container - any conda environments you installed in the host are available in /var/home/atomic/PATH/TO/CONDA, /var/home/atomic is a mirror of $HOME on the host system
  • I find this method convenient for me, I spin up a venv in my working directory and pip install other requirements there
  • Drop a .gitignore to avoid uploading everything to Github

Installing software inside container

  • Once inside the container, installation procedes at the package level so familiar tools like dnf work
  • Like Docker, anything installed here is only in the container
sudo dnf group install "Development Tools"
sudo dnf install gcc-gfortran
sudo dnf install lapack-devel-3.11.0-5.fc39.x86_64 openblas-devel-0.3.21-6.fc39.x86_64

How I want to use containerization

  • Jump between dev environments with clashing dependencies with the same ease as I do just shifting focus from one project to another
  • Isolate conda/pip and system level packages to the development space while making no changes to the host (increased stability)
  • Easily document and save environments to use elsewhere (e.g., HPC, Google Cloud, Azure, AWS)

Important note

  • This is my first week with Atomic after 15 years of a more traditional Linux experience, still figuring things out.
  • Have fun learning!