Welcome to a place where Coffee & Code people can collaborate.

This repo is used to learn about git, github, and collaborate on solutions to whatever kind of problems we tackle at Coffee & Code or other meetups.

Some solution to exercises from Free Code Camp

These files are designed to be developed and run on your local machine. While the FreeCodeCamp provides a web app that lets you work on solutions to their problems, doing it this way provides more experience doing things the way a real developer might. That means using command line tools, git, test driven development, etc.

Setup for Mac OS

instructions are purposely vague. Part of the fun is figuring out how to make this stuff run.

  • Install node.
$ brew install node
  • Install some npm modules:
$ npm install -g mocha
$ npm install -g expect.js
  • Run it!
$ mocha pairwise_test.js
  • Do a happy dance once it works

  • Reach on #freecodecamp if its not working.

  • Do more exercises in this style, add your solutions to this folder.