
PuppetDB CLI Tooling

Primary LanguageRustOtherNOASSERTION


Build status Build Status

Note: This repository is still under active development. Stay tuned for release dates and functionality changes.

The PuppetDB CLI project provide Puppet subcommands for querying PuppetDB data, via puppet query <query>, and PuppetDB administrative tasks, puppet db <import|export|status>. The query subcommand will allow you to query PuppetDB using either the upcoming PQL syntax of the traditional PuppetDB query syntax (also known as AST). The db subcommand is a replacement for the older puppetdb <export|import> commands with faster startup times and much friendlier error messages.


This CLI is compatible with PuppetDB 4.0.0 and greater.


Please see the PuppetDB documentation for instructions on how to install the puppet-client-tools package.

Installation from source

Using rustc and cargo (stable, beta, or nightly):

  $ export PATH=./target/debug:$PATH
  $ cargo build

When building on OSX or Windows you will also need to install openssl and use that for building the PuppetDB CLI. For OSX users the simplest way to do this is using Homebrew and running the following commands before the cargo build:

  $ export OPENSSL_LIB_DIR=$(brew --prefix)/lib
  $ export OPENSSL_INCLUDE_DIR=$(brew --prefix)/include


Example usage:

$ puppet-query 'nodes[certname]{}'
    "certname" : "baz.example.com"
    "certname" : "bar.example.com"
    "certname" : "foo.example.com"
$ puppet-db status
  "puppetdb-status": {
    "service_version": "4.0.0-SNAPSHOT",
    "service_status_version": 1,
    "detail_level": "info",
    "state": "running",
    "status": {
      "maintenance_mode?": false,
      "queue_depth": 0,
      "read_db_up?": true,
      "write_db_up?": true
  "status-service": {
    "service_version": "0.3.1",
    "service_status_version": 1,
    "detail_level": "info",
    "state": "running",
    "status": {}


The Rust PuppetDB CLI accepts a --config=<path_to_config> flag which allows you to configure your ssl credentials and the location of your PuppetDB.

By default the tool will use $HOME/.puppetlabs/client-tools/puppetdb.conf as it's configuration file if it exists. You can also configure a global configuration (for all users) in /etc/puppetlabs/client-tools/puppetdb.conf (C:\ProgramData\puppetlabs\client-tools\puppetdb.conf on Windows) to fall back to if the per-user configuration is not present.

The format of the config file can be deduced from the following example.

    "puppetdb" : {
      "server_urls" : [
      "cacert" : "/path/to/cacert",
      "cert" : "/path/to/cert",
      "key" : "/path/to/private_key",
      "token-file" : "/path/to/token (PE only)"