
An azure devops tool for moar automation :D

Primary LanguagePython

Bob the Builder

Can we build it? Yes we can! Bob is a framework for automating builds for payloads in a "scriptably" configurable way. Read more at https://coffeegist.com/security/automation-through-azure-with-bob/.


To ensure use of python virtual environments on Ubuntu, run the following command to install the necessary packages.

sudo apt-get install python3-venv


git clone git@github.com:coffeegist/bob-the-builder.git
cd bob-the-builder
python3 -m venv venv
. ./venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt


Copy and edit the bob-config.json file to include a personal access token and organization url to the Azure DevOps account of your choosing.

cd bob
cp bob-config.json.sample bob-config.json


For this project to function, you need to have access to an Azure DevOps account that has pre-existing pipelines configured to build payloads.

Creating a token

Login to https://dev.azure.com/YOUR_USERNAME/_usersSettings/tokens

  • Click + New Token
    • Name: “Bob”
    • Organization: "<YOUR_ORG_HERE>"
    • Scope: Full Access
    • Click Create

Configuring a blueprint

Once you have access, run the following command to configure a blueprint:

python bob.py configure -f my-blueprint.json

Queueing a blueprint

Feel free to modify your blueprint manually, especially if you are building a pipeline that has queue-time variables. Then, using your newly configured blueprint, my-blueprint.json:

python bob.py run -f my-blueprint.json -o ./build-artifacts

When you're finished...

This project obviously uses virtual environments (venv). When you're done with Bob, just deactivate your virtual environment by issuing the following command:


That's it!!

Please post any issues you come across!