
Planning Repo for Epicodus Capstone Project - bathroom finder app based on needs

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Kendra Kelly Logo

Gotta Go - Bathroom Finder - Planning Repo

Application Repository: Gotta Go Application Repository

By Kendra Kelly

Project Description

This repo contains the breakdown and planning for Gotta Go - Bathroom Finder, my Epicodus capstone project:

Name of Student:

Kendra Kelly

Name of Project:

Gotta Go

Project’s Purpose or Goal:

Bathroom finder by location. Focused on the needs of the person.

List the absolute minimum features the project requires to meet this purpose or goal:
  • Uses a map API (google or other) to find the users location and displays the nearest bathrooms and a rundown of their features.
  • Creating and/or connecting to a database that includes these bathroom locations and information.
  • Information about bathrooms include: gender neutrality, handicap accessibility, how to access (code needed or purchase requirement).
What tools, frameworks, libraries, APIs, modules and/or other resources (whatever is specific to your track, and your language) will you use to create this MVP? List them all here. Be specific.
  • Google Maps, Mapbox or another Map API.
  • Refuge Restrooms API, or possibly build one from scratch if needed.
  • React, Redux, Sass, Webpack, JavaScript.
If you finish developing the minimum viable product (MVP) with time to spare, what will you work on next? Describe these features here: Be specific.
  • A form that allows visitors to add a bathroom and it's appropriate features.
  • Add more information about the bathroom within the database. This includes information about stalls, cleanliness, size, etc.
  • Great design including Sass.
What additional tools, frameworks, libraries, APIs, or other resources will these additional features require?
  • Sass
  • Firebase

User Needs/Wishes:

  1. As a user I would like to enter a location and be able to see a list of bathrooms located near me for easy access.
  2. As a user I would like to have the app automatically render bathrooms near me by my location so that I don't have to manually search.
  3. As a user I would like to be able to see a map and see the bathrooms near me visually represented for navigation purposes.
  4. I would like to know of the nearest bathroom has handicap access and room for wheelchairs.
  5. I would like to know if the bathrooms are gendered and are appropriately setup for my needs.
  6. I would like to know what I need to do to access the bathroom. Is a code needed, if so what is it? Do I need to make a purchase prior to access?

Initial Interface Sketches:

Splash Page Search Interface
Splash Page Mockup Search Page Mockup

Component Tree:

Component Tree Layout

Splash Page High Res Wireframe

Splash Page Mockup

Search Page High Res Wireframe

Search Page Mockup

Detail Page High Res Wireframe

Search Page Mockup

Support and contact details

Please feel free to get in touch. Reach out to me at kendra@coffeeringsdesign.com.

Technologies Used

Javascript, Webpack, Sketch, Sass, React, Redux, & Atom.



Copyright (c) 2018 Kendra Kelly