Project Objective

Fooocus Gallery is a project designed to simplify the process of navigating through images generated by Fooocus.


  • Image Navigation: Quickly move through your images with a user-friendly interface
  • Fooocus Logs Based: All the data and images are extracted directory from Fooocus Outputs directory
  • Prompt Search: Filter generated images by prompts
  • Fast... Enough: Fooocus Gallery was tested with 17k+ images, running smooth after logs index
  • Re-Index: changes on log.html are detected and re-indexed time to time
  • Vary/Upscale/Regenerate: Re-generate your image with a single click
  • Docker Image: coffeespice/fooocus_gallery

Fooocus Gallery Search Fooocus Gallery Actions

How to run

If using docker set the path to Fooocus outputs in outputs_directory

If running without docker copy the config.json.example to config.json and change the outputs_directory to the Fooocus outputs and then run pip install --no-cache-dir -r requirements.txt and python

config.json example

    "outputs_directory": "\\path\\to\\fooocus\\outputs",
    "fooocus_ip": ""

doocker-compose.yml example

version: "3"

        image: coffeespice/fooocus_gallery:latest
            - "8080:8080"
            - outputs_directory=
            - fooocus_ip=
