
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

StorageWizard: The Best Use Of NFT.Storage Or Web3.Storage project

gitcoin address: https://gitcoin.co/issue/29523

front-page address : https://hackathon-web3-storage.vercel.app/

youtube link : https://youtu.be/-cDZH83SQ6Y

Project Description


Technology stack and dependencies that i used in this project:

  • web3.storage platform
  • next.js
  • react.js
  • tailwindcss
  • solidity
  • hardhat
  • ether.js
  • openzeppelin(ERC721)
  • ploygon test net Mumbai

This is a gitcoin hackathon NFTs project based on web3.storage and other dependencies above.User can mint a NFT which is generate by themself.


Users can generate a unique svg avatar image by choosing various attributes.After click the attributes buttons you can get the result avatar image real-time because of react hooks.Furthormore, you can upload the image which is generated by yourself to our web3.storage platform.Once the upload process is finished,js sdk return a CID which is a IPFS address to our browser client.Finnaly we can mint the NFT with the cid and the attributes config json. alt "flowchart"

You can view your mint result on OpenSea test net like this:

alt "result"

3.smart contract

smart contract address

Ploygon Mumbai: 0xDe3C417aDc211e0b0a4140BA704a333E3A824dBF

smart contract content


install hardhat tools

cd contract
npm install

set hardhat.config.js file

module.exports = {
  solidity: "0.8.9",
  networks: {
    mumbai: {
      url: process.env.TESTNET_RPC,
      accounts: [process.env.PRIVATE_KEY]
  etherscan: {
    apiKey: {
      polygonMumbai: process.env.POLYGONSCAN_API_KEY

deploy smart contract to mumbai net using hardhat tool

npx hardhat --network mumbai run ./script/deploy.js

After deploy the smart contract we'll get a contract address which is used in front-end config file.Furthormore we'll generate a ABI json file,move it to front-end utils directory. https://github.com/coffiasd/hackathon-web3-storage/blob/main/utils/mint.json

4.team member and contact

Team member

  • front-end:@coffiasd
  • back-end:@coffiasd
  • ui/ux:@coffiasd


How to use web3.storage and example code

store svg to web3.storage


init a new client instance with env config token

  /// get web3.storage config token
  function getAccessToken() {
    return process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_WEB3_STORAGE_TOKEN

  /// get a new web3.storage client
  function makeStorageClient() {
    return new Web3Storage({ token: getAccessToken() })

store user image

  /// store your pic
  async function storeWithProgress() {
    // set btn state

    //get image info
    const scale = 2;
    const node = document.getElementById("myAvatar");
    const blob = await domtoimage.toBlob(node, {
      height: node.offsetHeight * scale,
      style: {
        transform: `scale(${scale}) translate(${node.offsetWidth / 2 / scale}px, ${node.offsetHeight / 2 / scale}px)`,
        "border-radius": 0
      width: node.offsetWidth * scale

    //set loading timeout
    setTimeout(() => {
    }, 7000);

    //add file
    const files = [
      new File([blob], 'avatar.png'),

    // when each chunk is stored, update the percentage complete and display
    const totalSize = files.map(f => f.size).reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0)
    let uploaded = 0

    const onStoredChunk = size => {
      uploaded += size
      const pct = 100 * (uploaded / totalSize)
      console.log(`Uploading... ${pct.toFixed(2)}% complete`)
      //change btn state
      alertService.info("upload success", options);

    // show the root cid as soon as it's ready
    const onRootCidReady = (cid) => {
      console.log('uploading files with cid:', cid)

    // makeStorageClient returns an authorized web3.storage client instance
    const client = makeStorageClient()

    // client.put will invoke our callbacks during the upload
    // and return the root cid when the upload completes
    return client.put(files, { onRootCidReady, onStoredChunk })

get file status by cid

  /// check <cid> status
  async function checkStatus() {
    const client = makeStorageClient()
    const status = await client.status(cid)
    if (status) {
      alertService.info("Status:" + status.pins[0].status + ",PeerId:" + status.pins[0].peerId, options);
    } else {
      alertService.info("not ready", options);

Show case
