
This is just a merge of the truenas forum post and the truenas-influxdb-grafana, make sure to appreciate the original authors.


  • prometheus server with configured service discovery
  • grafana instance configured to use the prometheus as datasource


  1. clone the repo:
    git clone && cd truenas-grafana
  2. deploy the graphite-exporter, mind the loadBalancerIP that's where TrueNAS should push metrics to, multiple instance should be able to use that but you might need to bump the resources:
    kubectl apply -f truenas-graphite-exporter.yaml
  3. configure TrueNAS for pushing metrics to the graphite-exporter endpoint TrueNAS settings
  4. import the dashboard from TrueNAS-dashboard.json
  5. profitų TrueNAS dashoard


  • The graphite-exporter mappings aren't great and might need some love but they work for me as is.
  • Not particularly happy about the Dataset Space Free panel but it's minor.