
A roblox tool to sell UGC Limiteds

Primary LanguagePython


A #1 roblox tool to sell UGC Limiteds

Next Update On 5 Stars


    "Cookie": "", Your roblox cookie from where all the items will sell (instruction below)
    "Discord_Bot": {
        "Enabled": false, If you have this enabled, you will get more features to this tool
        "Token": "", Paste here an auth token of your discord appliction (instruction below)
        "Prefix": "!", You can set your prefix to the commands, but this tool also supports slash commands
        "Owner_IDs": [] Paste a user IDs of people who can have a presmission to the commands (empty for everyone)
    "Webhook": {
        "On_Sale": {
            "Enabled": false, This webhook will be send when you will send any item through this tool
            "Url": "" A url of your webhook to get recent sales
        "User_To_Ping": 0 A user ID of of the user who will get mentioned (0 to not get pings)
    "Auto_Sell": {
        "Ask_Before_Sell": true, If you have this enabled, tool will ask you each item to sell
        "Hide_OnSale": false, If you will try to sell item which is already on sale when you have this option enabled, it will be ignored
        "Save_Items": false If you have this enabled all the items that you "sold" or "skiped" an ID of this item will be saved in items/seen.json file and will be ingored next time
        "Keep_Serials": 0, Any item serial which will be under this number will be skipped (0 to include all)
        "Keep_Copy": 0 Any item which amount of dublicates will be under this number will be skipped (0 to include all)
        "Ask_Before_Sell": true, If you have this enabled, tool will ask you each item to sell
        "Skip_OnSale": false, If you have this enabled and you will try to sell item which is already on sale then it will be skipped
        "Skip_If_Cheapest": false, If you have this enabled and item that you are selling is already the lowest in resale it will be skipped
        "Keep_Serials": 0, Any item serial which will be under or equals this number will be skipped (0 to include all)
        "Keep_Copy": 0, Any item which amount of dublicates will be under or equals this number will be skipped (0 to include all)
        "Creators_Blacklist": [], The list of creator ids that you want to blacklist, empty if include everyone
        "Under_Cut": {
            "Type": "percent", If you have this set at "robux" the LRP of the limited will dicrease by a robux, if "percent" will decrease by percent
            "Value": 5 Amount of how much limited LRP should decrease (0 to sell for the same price)
        "Save_Progress": {
            "Enabled": true, If you have this enabled all the items that you "sold" or "skiped" an ID of this item will be saved in items/seen.json file and ingored next time
            "Clear_After_Done": false If you have this enabled after selling all your limiteds the items/seen.json file will reset automatically




Contact me on discord for any questions or ideas: deadlysilence._