
PydanticXML is a Python library that provides a way to convert Pydantic models to XML and vice versa.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


PydanticXML is a Python library that provides a way to convert Pydantic models to XML and vice versa. It is built on top of the Pydantic library and extends it with XML-specific functionality.


  • Based on Pydantic 2
  • Convert Pydantic models to XML and vice versa
  • Support for XML attributes, elements, content, lists.
  • Compatible with most Pydantic features (e.g. default values, aliases, validators, Field etc.)
  • Very easy to use. Extends Pydantic's API with only a few methods.
  • Has no dependencies other than Pydantic
  • Fully tested (almost 100% coverage)
  • Supports mypy


You can install PydanticXML with pip:

pip install pydantic-xmlmodel


To use PydanticXML, you need to import the BaseModelXML class from the pydanticxml module:

from pydantic_xmlmodel import BaseModelXML

Or if your models is not based on BaseModelXML class you can use these functions:

from pydantic_xmlmodel import model_dump_xml, model_validate_xml


Defining a Model

You can define a model by subclassing BaseModelXML and defining attributes with type annotations:

class AnimalCharacteristics(BaseModelXML):
    color: str = "black"
    weight: int = 10
    is_friendly: bool = True

Converting a Model to XML

You can convert a model to XML by calling the model_dump_xml() method:

class Cat(BaseModelXML):
    animal_characteristics: AnimalCharacteristics
    name: str = "Kitty"

cat = Cat(animal_characteristics=AnimalCharacteristics())

This will output:

<?xml version="1.0" ?><Cat name="Kitty"><AnimalCharacteristics color="black" weight="10" is_friendly="True" /></Cat>

Converting XML to a Model

You can convert XML to a model by calling the model_validate_xml() method:

xml = '<?xml version="1.0" ?><Cat name="Kitty"><AnimalCharacteristics color="black" weight="10" is_friendly="True" /></Cat>'
cat = Cat.model_validate_xml(xml)

This will output:

xml_content=None animal_characteristics=AnimalCharacteristics(xml_content=None, color='black', weight=10, is_friendly=True) name='Kitty'

(Note that the xml_content attribute is not part of the model. It is used to store the XML content, like this <element> xml_content <other_element /></element>)