Cofoundry is an extensible and flexible .NET Core CMS & application framework focusing on code first development
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Custom settings per custom entity definition
#552 opened by HeyJoel - 3
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Stupid cms has many errors and dont have a installer
#550 opened by ednsinf - 7
Unable to Edit/Delete template region
#549 opened by akash0234 - 3
Deployment IIS Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt. .net6.0
#548 opened by lehoangphan - 1
Missing custom entites url.
#547 opened by lehoangphan - 1
How to query custo
#546 opened by lehoangphan - 4
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Migrate to .NET 8
#543 opened by HeyJoel - 5
Null exception when calling app.UseCofoundry();
#539 opened by kenan-kajkus - 9
Concurrency issue in HtmlSanitizer
#519 opened by JornWildt - 1
Exceptions page missing from admin dashboard
#545 opened by getsetcode - 1
DomainRepository: Patch: Better handling of nulls
#537 opened by HeyJoel - 6
Not able to see pagination on asset picker pop up
#542 opened by akash0234 - 3
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Assets Not Found if deployed on Docker
#540 opened by amitavayourflow - 4
UpdateDocumentAssetCommand: throwing permission error when executing with elevated permissions/system user execution context as BackgroundTask
#538 opened by otavioferraz - 5
Cant update User
#536 opened by amitavayourflow - 1
Customize the sitemap file.
#535 opened by sourabhCofoundry - 2
Late server response.
#534 opened by sourabhCofoundry - 6
Faced this error.
#533 opened by sourabhCofoundry - 1
Late server response.
#531 opened by sourabhCofoundry - 2
How to get DB connection and transation
#532 opened by JornWildt - 2
Auto-update locked
#528 opened by JornWildt - 4
#530 opened by JornWildt - 1
Weird exception in background
#529 opened by JornWildt - 1
Improve TTI score.
#527 opened by sourabhCofoundry - 2
Get Blog Post Details.
#524 opened by sourabhCofoundry - 2
how to stop auto update in production
#525 opened by HardikFefar - 4
EF error deleting page
#526 opened by ramoncarrascom - 4
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Please add gRPC(-Web) support
#520 opened by Eagle3386 - 0
Please add an headless sample
#521 opened by Eagle3386 - 1
Add new property in User Table
#522 opened by ciitumar047 - 2
Used package (Underscore@1.8.3) in Web Admin contains known vulnerabilities [Medium]
#518 opened by rwolfdev - 1
Remove google fonts to be GDPR compliant
#517 opened by rwolfdev - 1
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ErrorLogging Plugin: Limit overflow on long fields
#508 opened by HeyJoel - 5
Adding TinyMCE Plugins
#506 opened by irdublu - 0
Admin Panel: Developer exception page no longer shows
#515 opened by HeyJoel - 1
#514 opened by nikunj-89 - 4
REDIRECT TO SIGN-IN flag not saving
#513 opened by gofrancis - 2
Admin Role appears able to edit Super Administrator
#510 opened by irdublu - 4
Implement Postmark
#512 opened by sourabhCofoundry - 2
Open Graph Image.
#509 opened by sourabhCofoundry - 1
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Internal Server Error when attempting Delete
#507 opened by irdublu - 0
WebUserSessionService: GetUserIdByUserAreaCodeAsync should return null outside of a web request
#504 opened by HeyJoel - 1
ApiResponseHelper: Ability to execute a command and return a custom action result
#505 opened by HeyJoel - 1