Installation steps

Project setup

  1. Create a google spreadsheet where the encrypted submissions will go.
  2. Rename the first tab in the spreadsheet Sheet1 => "Responses"
  3. From the Spreadsheet url in your browser copy the identifier between /spreadsheets/d/ and /edit (note: without the '/'s). It will be ~44 characters including numbers, letters and underscores. This is the SPREADSHEET_ID configuration variable, we'll need it later.
  4. Choose menu: Tools -> ScriptEditor. Name the script (anything)
  5. Choose menu: Publish -> Deploy as webapp. Set Execute As -> spreadsheet owner and Who has access -> "Anyone, even anonymous"
  6. Press Deploy. Copy the url for the app. It will look like: ''. This is the SUBMIT_URL config variable, we'll need it later.
  7. Generate a Private/Public key pair as described in the jsencrypt project. 2048-bit keys are presumed in the example in this README.
    • Note: Generating keys on an air-gapped laptop is recommended, along with building and running the decrypt section of it project. You could use an online laptop to build the wider project (see step #8) and run the encrypt section of the project.
    • openssl genrsa -out rsa_2048_priv.pem 2048
    • openssl rsa -pubout -in rsa_2048_priv.pem -out rsa_2048_pub.pem

Building the encrypt tool

  1. Run npm install if you haven't done so to load the node/webpack modules.
  2. We'll assume you generated/copied the public key to the root of the project to a file rsa_2048_pub.pem. This is PUBLIC_KEY_FILE in the config. We now have three variables to input to our build command. Run the following command all on one line:

ONLY if you are on the laptop with the private key, then you should also include PRIVATE_KEY_FILE=./rsa_2048_priv.pem just after the public key file variable is set.

Example of what the full command might look like:

SPREADSHEET_ID=20L466aa6uYM_YSbezDI0lkrXduKtB6eaM4YXSGJ7w78  SUBMIT_URL= PUBLIC_KEY_FILE=./rsa_2048_pub.pem PRIVATE_KEY_FILE=./rsa_2048_priv.pem ./node_modules/.bin/webpack
  1. The built files will be in a directory called dist/
  2. Copy the contents of the file ./dist/encrypt/ to the Google Script Editor (Tools -> ScriptEditor)
    • Press Save (icon at the top)
    • Choose menu: Publish -> Deploy as webapp. Choose 'New' in project version and click 'Update'
    • On your first deploy, Google may prompt you to accept permissions for read/write access to spreadsheets -- follow the prompts.
  3. Copy ./dist/encrypt/index.html to your user-facing website. If you are using a form generated from a CMS or platform like Squarespace, copy the javascript in ./dist/encrypt/main.js and paste it inline below the form contents
  4. Time to test your encrypted form. In development you can use the quick-startup process in the Develpment section below and then visit http://localhost:8000/dist/encrypt/


  1. Visit the google spreadsheet and File->Download as CSV
  2. Copy that to the air-gapped laptop by USB or wherever you have the decrypt.html file
  3. In a web browser File->Open ./dist/decrypt/index.html wherever it lives on the computer
  4. Click upload, and choose the downloaded csv file -- the browser will display the decrypted contents


  1. For a quick startup,

    python -m SimpleHTTPServer

    from this directory.

  2. When you have made changes, run webpack (possibly as ./node_modules/.bin/webpack) which deploys changes in ./src to ./dist however the project tracks the ./testdist directory There are some important environment variables that control webpack's build.

Browser compatibility

Webpacked config still uses some 'old-modern' javascript browser features. This project targets compatibility with Internet Explorer 10+

Features used for the encrypt part:

Features avoided:

Multiple Key support

Both the PRIVATE_KEY_FILE and PUBLIC_KEY_FILE can support multiple keys. For the PRIVATE_KEY_FILE, just append the keys together (leaving the begin/end ------BEGIN RSA.....---- lines in).

For the PUBLIC_KEY_FILE, the first key is the default. After that, subsequent keys should be prefixed with a line like


Which means if someone fills in field with name="State" and the value is "CA" then we should use this public key.