Multiobjective black-box optimization using gradient-boosted trees
- 0
Incorrect and inconsistent tests in pipeline
#38 opened by TobyBoyne - 1
- 5
Unable to use SCIP as solver with Pyomo
#28 opened by R-M-Lee - 0
Code formatting with Ruff
#43 opened by TobyBoyne - 0
Rework Feature API
#45 opened by TobyBoyne - 0
Type hinting for pyomo and gurobi models
#42 opened by TobyBoyne - 1
Type checking of input data
#40 opened by TobyBoyne - 0
- 1
- 1
Provide a simple Bayesian optimization loop example
#34 opened by TobyBoyne - 2
- 2
import Enting fails when gurobipy not installed
#20 opened by R-M-Lee - 3
lightgbm model hyperparameter tuning
#19 opened by R-M-Lee - 0
params dict -> enum class
#23 opened by spiralulam - 0
Add tests in the Pyomo version
#13 opened by spiralulam - 1
link readthedocs to current main branch
#22 opened by spiralulam - 3
FonzecaFleming misnamed
#16 opened by MLopez-Ibanez - 2
Improve documentation
#10 opened by spiralulam - 1
Add test coverage badge
#15 opened by spiralulam - 1
Add CICD pipeline using github actions
#14 opened by spiralulam - 2
Review and merge pull request by DavidWalz
#8 opened by spiralulam - 2
Make gurobipy import optional
#3 opened by marcosfelt