
some hello world and exploration of my personal javascript stack (work in progress)

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Frontend Stack

Libraries > Frameworks


If we are going to choose a collection of libraries to use over a framework or two then we need to be upfront and clear about the architecture of each project.

tl;dr no one size fits all, just like no one framework to rule them all

Arch: Decouple Components from Pages (unfinished)

  • noticed this problem working on avant, wanted to create a view request API. but what would be even better would be components that knew how to render themselves like React, Web Components, Angular Directives, etc


Product Goals

  • server side rendering
  • long term support
  • browser support latest two versions
  • no page reflow on async rendering of elements
    • no choppy page loads/transitions
  • offline support/messaging
  • < 1 second load
  • mobile friendly
  • sensitive to user's bandwidth
  • maintain ~60fps rendering performance

Developer Goals

  • write ES20XX today
  • locally scoped styles
  • robust async handling
  • reactive and declarative programming
  • documentation of decisions
  • detailed git commits
  • containerized build
  • containerized development
  • live-reload on file change
  • value readability over DRYness/cleverness
    • list created with help from @GregEMartinez

Features / Libraries / Focuses

mori virtual-dom rx ajax? router? local storage?


  • responsive axis
  • bandwidth axis
  • load order axis
  • feature/service axis
  • logging endpoint (errors, usage on which urls, etc)



Async Operations

  • Callbacks: please don't
  • Promises: ES6 Promises, q promise library
  • Generators?: ES6, Regenerator transpiler
  • Channels: js-csp
  • Streams: RxJS (or bacon.js)


You have no good reason (anymore) not to use lodash (unless you are working on a legacy version of Backbone/NodeJS, then maybe).

Immutable Data

Task Runner

I dont care what you use but use something even just npm scripts are cool. I chose Gulp.

Module Bundling

tl;dr no obvious choice. I chose requirejs.

While Typescript allows us to write ES6 style modules we still need to load those modules with something that works today. Note Typescript does not support transpiling to ES6 module code so we cannot use a ES6 module loader polyfill script like SystemJS.

Sooo, we got to choice between:

Each has its +'s and -'s. For a deeper look at each check out: link to internal doc.


huge huge, mess. tons of solutions and they all don't serve all the problems of CSS

From @vjeux's React: CSS in JS

Problems with CSS:

  • global namespace
  • dependencies
  • dead code elimination
  • minification
  • sharing constants
  • non-deterministic resolution
  • isolation

DSL's To Chose From:

  • Sass
  • Less
  • Stylus
  • Javascript


Interoperable CSS restyle



  • check out eslint to replace jsxhint

  • spike running dev tasks in docker

  • spike Flow

  • spike css in components

    • webpack
    • requirejs css require
    • restyle
  • add RxJS (react-extensions) library

  • add types to virtual-dom libraries?

  • make PR for virtual-dom amd dist?

  • add css imports into amd??

  • add libsass task

Task Runner

  • renaming js files do not get picked up by watcher
  • figure out how to share/merge streams across tasks (perhaps each task outputs a 'runner' function)