
This project will read the Human Genome by encoding the sequence. Sequenced using the 4 different organic chemicals, known as bases, the Human Genome is about 2.87 billion bases long. Utilizing the B-tree data structure as a solution for memory constraints we will also be able to search the sequence with a O(log n) capability.

Primary LanguageJava


Project Authors:

  • Dominik Huffield
  • Marcus Henke


Layout of the B-Tree file on disk:

The layout of our btree binary disk file is as follows: Each Node on the disk consists of a Location; number of objects; isLeaf; Parent pointer; Child pointers; Tree Objects with the DNA long strand and the frequency of it occuring.

Node Layout on disk
- Location size (int) 4 bytes
- Number of objects size (int), 4 bytes
- isLeaf boolean (int), four bytes
- parent Pointer size (int), four bytes
- Child pointer array, 4 bytes
- TreeObjects: DNA (long) & frequency (int) (8 & 4 bytes)
- DNA strand size (long), 8 bytes
- Frequncy size (int), 4 bytes

Command Line Usage


java GeneBankCreateBTree <0/1(no/with Cache)> [] []
**debug level must be one or zero if used, and sequence length must be between 1 and 31.


java GeneBankSearch <0/1(no/with Cache)> [] []
**debug level must be one or zero if used.


Run the GeneBankBTree class with any *.gbk file to create a BTree of DNA strands.
The BTree will be stored in a binary data file in the format of [file].gbk.btree.data.k.t,
where t is the degree of the BTree and k is the length of the DNA strands. Debug level 1 will
write a dump file with all strand frequencies in the format of [file].gbk.btree.dump.t.

The GeneBankSearch class will search through a given BTree file, searching for strands from a
given query file and retrieving their frequencies. The retrieved data will be printed to a file
in the format of [file]_query[k]_result. With debug level 0, the program will print the data
to the console.