# Cogip AVR firmwares

Build status

Build Status


To install AVR toolchain on debian/ubuntu:

$ sudo apt-get install avrdude gcc-avr binutils-avr avr-libc

To install AVR toolchain on Arch Linux:

$ pacman -Sy avr-binutils avr-gcc avr-libc avrdude


$ make defconfig
$ make

## Alternative targets

Other default configuration are archived, users can configure or select a pre-defined firmware flavor:

$ make menuconfig # to launch ncurses interface and select platform & build configuration
$ make geonobot_defconfig # to set configuration for Geonobot (2015) firwmare generation
$ make cortex_defconfig # to set configuration for Cortex (2017) firmware generation

Then, simply run make to build the firmware.

Install firmware in Flash memory

Assuming you dispose of an AVR Isp mkII programmer, you can use following to program the flash memory:

$ sudo avrdude -v -v -p atxmega128a1 -c avrispmkII -U flash:w:geonobot.hex:i

# External references

Kconfig usage examples: