
A fully-featured symbolic pattern matcher for Clojure.

Primary LanguageClojureEclipse Public License 1.0EPL-1.0


A symbolic pattern matcher which includes functions and macros to iterate patterns over collections of data, define methods which specialise on patterns and various other features.

An Overview

This document provides an overview of the features of the pattern matcher. For more details refer to the user guide.



This library is hosted on clojars. Get it by adding org.clojars.cognesence/matcher to your dependencies in your Leiningen project.clj file.

(defproject com.example/myproject "1.0.0"
  :description "My Leiningen project!"
  :url "http://example.com/projects/myproject"
  :license {:name "Eclipse Public License"
            :url "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html"}
  :dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.8.0"]
               [org.clojars.cognesence/matcher "1.0.1"]])

Getting Started

The most primitive form of matcher expression provided for general use is mlet (matcher-let), it is structured as follows:

(mlet [ pattern datum ]
  ; body

mlet operates as follows: if the pattern matches the datum, binding any matcher variables as part of the matching process then mlet evaluates its body in the context of these bindings. If the pattern and datum do not match, mlet returns nil.

Match variables are prefixed with a ? (or ?? - see later), in the following example, the pattern (?x ?y ?z) matches the datum (cat dog bat) binding match variables x, y, z to 'cat, 'dog, 'bat respectively and the expression (? y) in the body of mlet retrieves the value of the match variable y from matcher namespace.

(mlet ['(?x ?y ?z) '(cat dog bat)]
  (? y))
; ? dog

mout (matcher-out) is a convenience form to build structured output from a mixture of literals and bound match variables:

(mlet ['(?x ?y ?z) '(cat dog bat)]
  (mout '(a ?x (a ?y) and a ?z)))
; ? (a cat (a dog) and a bat)

mlet forms return nil if matches fail:

(mlet ['(?x ?y ?z) '(cat dog bat frog)]
  (mout '(a ?x a ?y and a ?z)))
; ? nil

In addition to single element match directives (prefixed with ?) the matcher supports multiple match directives which match against zero or more elements of data (these are prefixed with ??). Multiple directives may also be used in matcher-out expressions, in which case their value is appended into the resulting structure:

(mlet ['(??pre x ??post)
  '(mango melon x apple pear berry)]
  (mout '(pre= ?pre post= ??post)))
; ? (pre= (mango melon)
;    post= apple pear berry)

All patterns may be structured, containing sequences and subsequences (and maps within sequences within maps within sequences, etc), so it is possible to use patterns to extract data from nested data structures.

Switching and Specialisation

mcond is the most general of the switching/specialisation forms, it can be used to specify a series of pattern based rules as follows:

(mcond [exp]
  ((?x plus ?y)  (+ (? x) (? y)))
  ((?x minus ?y) (- (? x) (? y))))

The mcond form will attempt to match the data it is given (the value of exp in the example above) to the first pattern in its sequence of rules (?x plus ?y) then its second (?x minus ?y) until it finds a rule which matches, it then evaluates the body of that rule and returns the result. As with other matcher forms, mcond returns nil if it fails to find a match. The mcond form above will return 9 if exp has a value of (5 plus 4) or 1 if exp has a value of (5 minus 4). Note that mcond (and other forms) can optionally use additional symbols to make their rule-based structure more explicit, we recommend using :=> for example:

(mcond [exp]
  ((?x plus ?y) :=> (+ (? x) (? y)))
  ((?x minus ?y) :=> (- (? x) (? y))))

defmatch is similar in structure to mcond, wrapping an implicit mcond form with a function definition:

(defmatch math1 []
  ((?x plus ?y)  :=> (+ (? x) (? y)))
  ((?x minus ?y) :=> (- (? x) (? y)))

(math1 '(4 plus 5)) ; ? 9

(math1 '(4 minus 5)) ; ? -1

(math1 '(4 times 5)) ; ? nil

defmatch forms can take explicit arguments in addition to their implicit matched-data argument. The example below illustrates this and additionally uses an anonymous match variable to handle default cases:

(defmatch math2 [x]
  ((add ?y) :=> (+ x (? y)))
  ((subt ?y) :=> (- x (? y)))
  (?_ :=> x))

(math2 '(add 7) 12) ; ? 19

(math2 '(subt 7) 12) ; ? 5

(math2 '(times 7) 12) ; ? 12

Due to the way patterns may be specified at the symbol level, defmatch forms can be used to specialise on keywords and thereby resemble some kind of dispatch, for example:

(defmatch calcd [x y]
  (:add  :=> (+ x y))
  (:subt :=> (- x y))
  (:mult :=> (* x y)))

(calcd :add 5 4) ; ? 9

(calcd :mult 5 4) ; ? 20

Searching and Selection

The searching and selection forms match patterns across collections of data, returning the first match which is found. These matcher forms are called mfind (which matches one pattern across a collection of data) and mfind* (which consistently matches a group of patterns across a collection of data). The next two examples use the following data:

(def food
 '([isa cherry fruit] [isa cabbage veg]
   [isa chilli veg] [isa apple fruit]
   [isa radish veg] [isa leek veg]
   [color leek green] [color chilli red]
   [color apple green] [color cherry red]
   [color cabbage green] [color radish red]))

Note that in this example we use vectors in our data, this is perhaps idiomatic but we sometimes prefer wrapping tuples as vectors (rather than as lists) and the matcher deals with either vectors or lists (or maps).

mfind takes one pattern:

(mfind ['[isa ?f veg] food] (? f))

; ? cabbage

mfind* takes multiple patterns:

(mfind* ['([isa ?f veg] [color ?f red])
    (? f))

; ? chilli

Iteration and Collection

The matcher supports two forms to provide iteration and collection capability, these are called mfor and mfor*. They iterate over sets of data using one pattern (mfor) or multiple patterns (mfor*). The following examples use the food data presented above:

(mfor ['[isa ?f veg] food] (? f))

; ? (cabbage chilli radish leek)

(mfor* ['([isa ?f veg] [color ?f red]) food]
  (? f))

; ? (chilli radish)

Applying Rules

This example considers a rule-based, fact deduction or forward chaining mechanism. Facts are held as tuples and rules have antecedents and consequents. Some introductory texts for Artificial Intelligence provide example rules like:

IF (has fido hair) THEN (isa fido mammal)

While these serve to illustrate their discussion of rule-based inference, rules like this are of limited use because they are specific to object names (fido in this case) and take only a single antecedent and consequent. For practical purposes rules need to be flexible about the length of their antecedents/consequents and allow both to include variables. For our work we wish to use rules like the following:

(rule 15 (parent ?a ?b) (parent ?b ?c)
      => (grandparent ?a ?c))

Which would work on data like:

(def family
  '((parent Sarah Tom)
    (parent Steve Joe)
    (parent Sally Sam)
    (parent Ellen Sarah)
    (parent Emma Bill)
    (parent Rob Sally)))

A suitable rule application mechanism needs to split the rule into its constituent parts; search for all consistent sets of antecedents; ripple any antecedent variable bindings through to consequents and collect evaluated consequents for each rule every time it fires. In practice these requirements can be by using a match function to pull a rule apart, mfor* to satisfy all possible antecedent combinations and mout to bind variables into consequents. This can be specified as follows...

(defmatch apply-rule [facts]
  ((rule ?n ??antecedents => ??consequents)
    :=> (mfor* [(? antecedents) facts]
          (mout (? consequents))))

  '(rule 15 (parent ?a ?b) (parent ?b ?c)
            => (grandparent ?a ?c))

; ? ((grandparent Ellen Tom)
;    (grandparent Rob Sam))

Notice that while the pattern for defmatch is literally specified, the patterns for mfor* and mout must, necessarily, be generated dynamically. Furthermore these dynamically generated patterns are embedded in the rule structure pulled apart by the literal pattern in defmatch.

To investigate this rule deduction example further we use a richer set of facts and rules (where the consequences of some rules trigger the antecedents of others):

(def facts1
  '((big elephant) (small mouse)
    (small sparrow) (big whale)
    (on elephant mouse)
    (on elephant sparrow)))

(def rules1
   '((rule 0 (heavy ?x)(small ?y)(on ?x ?y)
             => (squashed ?y) (sad ?x))
     (rule 1 (big ?x)   => (heavy ?x))
     (rule 2 (light ?x) => (portable ?x))
     (rule 3 (small ?x) => (light ?x))

Given these definitions it is possible to develop a function to apply all rules once:

(defn apply-all [rules facts]
  (reduce concat
    (map #(apply-rule % facts) rules)

(apply-all rules1 facts1)

; ? ((heavy elephant) (heavy whale)
;    (light mouse) (light sparrow))

For simplicity in combining the output of rules we use sets so modify the apply-all function a little:

(defn apply-all [rules facts]
  (set (reduce concat
         (map #(apply-rule % facts) rules)

Then develop a forward chaining/fact deduction function which continues to operate while it is generating new facts:

(defn fwd-chain [rules facts]
  (let [new-facts (apply-all rules facts)]
    (if (subset? new-facts facts)
      (recur rules (union facts new-facts))

(fwd-chain rules1 (set facts1))

; ?  #{(light mouse) (heavy elephant)
;     (on elephant sparrow)
;     (squashed sparrow)
;     (small sparrow) (on elephant mouse)
;     (squashed mouse) (small mouse)
;     (portable sparrow) (big whale)
;     (portable mouse) (big elephant)
;     (sad elephant) (light sparrow)
;     (heavy whale)}

As with the other examples, the matcher performs most of the processing (in this case using a defmatch construct and mfor* in apply-rule) while other functions collate results, etc.

(defmatch apply-rule [facts]
  ((rule ?n ??antecedents => ??consequents)
    :=> (mfor* [(? antecedents) facts]
          (mout (? consequents))))

(defn apply-all [rules facts]
  (reduce concat
    (map #(apply-rule % facts) rules)

(defn fwd-chain [rules facts]
  (let [new-facts (apply-all rules facts)]
    (if (subset? new-facts facts)
      (recur rules (union facts new-facts))

Applying State-Changing Operators

In this example we consider how to apply the kind of state changing operators that are used in some planning systems. Broadly we adapt a representation borrowed from PDDL for use with a STRIPS style solver. The operators are specified in terms of their preconditions and their effects. We use tuples to capture state information. The following tuples, for example, describe a simple state in which some (animated) agent R is at a table is holding nothing and a book is on the table.

#{(at R table)
  (on book table)
  (holds R nil)
  (path table bench)
  (manipulable book)
  (agent R)

In order to generalise an operator (so it can be used with different agents, objects and in various locations) it is necessary to specify it using variables, in this case matcher variables. An operator which describes a "pickup" activity for an agent and which can be used to produces a new state (new tuples) could be described as follows:

  {:pre ((agent ?agent)
         (manipulable ?obj)
         (at ?agent ?place)
         (on ?obj   ?place)
         (holds ?agent nil)

   :add ((holds ?agent ?obj))

   :del ((on ?obj   ?place)
         (holds ?agent nil))

The operator is map with three components:

  • a set of preconditions which must be satisfied in order for the operator to be used
  • a set of tuples to add to an existing state when producing a new state
  • a set of tuples to delete from an existing state

To apply this kind of operator specification we extract patterns from the operator then use mfind*:

(defn apply-op
  [state {:keys [pre add del]}]
  (mfind* [pre state]
    (union (mout add)
      (difference state (mout del)))))

(apply-op state1 ('pickup ops))
; ?  #{(agent R) (holds R book)
;      (manipulable book)
;      (path table bench) (at R table)}

The patterns used by mfind* are provided dynamically when apply-op is called and furthermore the patterns themselves define the semantics of the operators.

Collections of operators are conveniently held in a map, and ordered sequences of operator applications can be formed by chaining apply-op calls, eg:

(def ops
  '{pickup {:pre ((agent ?agent)
                  (manipulable ?obj)
                  (at ?agent ?place)
                  (on ?obj ?place)
                  (holds ?agent nil))
            :add ((holds ?agent ?obj))
            :del ((on ?obj   ?place)
                  (holds ?agent nil))}

    drop {:pre ((at ?agent ?place)
                (holds ?agent ?obj))
          :add ((holds ?agent nil)
                (on ?obj ?place))
          :del ((holds ?agent ?obj))}

    move {:pre ((agent ?agent) 
                (at ?agent ?p1)
                (path ?p1 ?p2))
          :add ((at ?agent ?p2))
          :del ((at ?agent ?p1))}})

(-> state1
  (apply-op ('pickup ops))
  (apply-op ('move ops))
  (apply-op ('drop ops)))

; ? #{(agent R) (manipulable book)
;     (on book bench) (holds R nil)
;     (at R bench) (path table bench)}


Copyright © 2017 Simon Lynch

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.