- 0
Dependency Dashboard
#1159 opened by renovate - 1
Upload large files
#1093 opened by tuanng-cognite - 4
Timeout while iterating over a chunk
#1862 opened by Erivan3000 - 1
Iterating over function schedules raises error
#1972 opened by MortGron - 3
Replace requests with aiohttp
#983 opened by erlendvollset - 6
ThreadPoolExecutor locks/hangs when getting all items from client.relationships.list
#1831 opened by korvalds - 1
Update documentation to avoid `filters as flt, aggregations as aggs` and spell them out instead
#1638 opened by andeplane - 2
Pyright reports error related to type `SequenceNotStr`
#1720 opened by bastbu - 3
Set parameter 'name' as required (as required in UI) for DataModelApply in cognite-sdk
#1620 opened by eighty20results - 8
Typing error: Type of "list" is partially unknown
#1677 opened by miladh - 3
- 1
- 4
Type checker cannot infer types when accessing by index in `WriteableCogniteResourceList`
#1648 opened by bastbu - 2
Invalid escape sequence '\_' in */client/data_classes/data_modeling/ (line 78) causes raising SyntaxError while running tests
#1650 opened by andrii-sventukh - 4
TypeError: '<=' not supported between instances of 'int' and 'str' in /cognite/client/utils/", line 97, in ms_to_datetime in if not (MIN_TIMESTAMP_MS <= ms <= MAX_TIMESTAMP_MS)
#1623 opened by andriangashper - 0
- 1
Publish package to conda/conda-forge
#1071 opened by erlendvollset - 1
Fix data classes wrt. Optionals.
#1149 opened by erlendvollset - 1
Support Python 11 for Cognite Functions
#1302 opened by vancromy - 4
- 2
- 5
Return type of CogniteResource.__new__
#1342 opened by anrdnet - 0
Missing Update of Sequence.columns
#1292 opened by doctrino - 4
- 3
Run test suite on a windows runner as well to catch platform-specific regressions
#1034 opened by erlendvollset - 1
Class `APIKey` is overloaded
#1081 opened by haakonvt - 0
Aggregates as a Literal
#1199 opened by doctrino - 0
- 2
Add support for credential providers with the ability to refresh tokens in Pyodide
#1155 opened by evertoncolling - 1
- 0
Using `mypy` with Python >= 3.9 reports errors
#1168 opened by haakonvt - 1
Use singleton thread pool executor
#1013 opened by erlendvollset - 2
Flaky test: ``
#1112 opened by haakonvt - 1
Batching together multiple time-series, each with different 'before' time, as input argument for the data.retrieve_latest(.)
#1104 opened by olepetter-no - 0
`atexit` raises `TypeError` after multiple calls to `client.datapoints` on PY>=39
#1121 opened by haakonvt - 1
References to typing.Sequence in docs become a hyperlink to cognite.client.data_classes.Sequence.
#1011 opened by erlendvollset - 0
Client throws unexpected import error for basic operations in jupyter notebooks when pandas not installed
#1083 opened by ddonukis - 1
Unstable GH workflows slows down development
#1108 opened by haakonvt - 0
- 0
Allow users to extract only a portion of the data from a file when working with CDF Files.
#1089 opened by vminfant - 0
Boolean query parameters should be encoded as `true`/`false` rather than `True`/`False`
#1076 opened by erlendvollset - 0
- 0
- 0
Find a way of including type aliases in the docs
#1059 opened by erlendvollset - 0
ThreeDAssetMappingAPI.delete() to accept cognite.client.data_classes.three_d.ThreeDAssetMappingList
#1015 opened by oholsen - 0
Rework oauth credential handling
#981 opened by erlendvollset - 1
- 0
Run integration tests against a CDF tenant in a production cluster rather than a staging cluster.
#990 opened by erlendvollset - 0
Run mypy on test code base
#982 opened by erlendvollset - 0