
Web server log visualization that runs in the browser.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Bogey is a web-based log visualization framework.

It tails your log files and emits events using Socket.IO to browser visualization plugins.

Bogey ships with Bogey Pong, a Pong-like visualization inspired by Logstalgia that works with common web server logs, but it's designed to make it easy to plug in your own visualizations.


Bogey is a Node.js module.

Install with npm:

npm install -g bogey


Bogey's Node.js module runs a server that watches any number of log files, parses them with a configurable regular expression, and emits the processed data to connected clients via Socket.IO.

The web frontend is an Ember application that listens for log events and provides an API to visualization modules that can display the log data however they want.

Creating a visualization is easy, since all you need to do is expose a JavaScript module that Bogey can require(), hook into Bogey's events, and render the data however you want.

Bogey provides modules with a render loop, simple stats (requests per minute, etc) and keyboard events, but doesn't enforce anything about how to render log data.

For a basic example of how a visualization module works, check out Bogey Example. You can also check out the code for Bogey Pong, which uses the Phaser HTML5 game framework.


Run Bogey with the bogey command.


-c <config file> Config file

Specify a JSON config file to load for configuration settings. This setting is optional.

See config.json.example for an example configuration.

-f <filename:regexp name> Watch a file

Watch a file. Specify the file in the format filename:regexp-name. Bogey comes with a regular expression for parsing files in the Common Log Format, but it's easy to add your own. See the regular expressions section for details. This setting is optional, but if no logs are specified only demo mode or HTTP POSTs will be available.

-p <port> Port

Port for the web server to listen on.

Usage examples

Tail an Nginx or Apache access log:

bogey -f /var/log/nginx/access.log:apache-combined

Tail multiple files:

bogey -f /var/log/nginx/access.log:apache-combined -f /var/www/my-site/logs/access.log:apache-combined

Regular expressions

Bogey uses regular expressions to parse log files into data that modules can use. It uses the named-regexp module to allow for using named captures with JavaScript regular expressions.

Bogey comes with the apache-combined regular expression, but it's easy to add your own. Just add a section to your config.json:

"regexp": {
    "my-regexp": "/(:<myAttr>.*) (:<myOtherAttr>.*)/"

And then specify it either on the command line with -f like:

bogey -f /var/log/my-custom.log:my-regexp

Or in your config.json like:

"logs": [
        "file": "/var/log/my-custom.log",
        "regexp": "my-regexp"

Check the named-regexp documentation for details on the named capture syntax.

Using with Logstash

If you're using Logstash, Bogey supports receiving log data via HTTP POST.

Just enable the http output and map the data so that Bogey understands it.

Here's an example Logstash configuration using the COMBINEDAPACHELOG grok filter:

output {
    http {
        http_method => "post"
        mapping => {
            "ip" => "%{clientip}"
            "uri" => "%{request}"
            "statusCode" => "%{response}"
        url => "http://bogey-host:8008/log"

Demo mode

Bogey comes with a demo mode that runs in the browser and creates fake log data. You can enable it by appending ?demo=true to the URL when viewing a visualization, or by pressing the D key.

Creating visualizations

Visualizations are CommonJS modules require()ed by the Bogey web frontend.

A visualization should export a bogey object with the following properties:

bogey: {
    name: 'Visualization name',
    thumbnail: 'Path to thumbnail image',
    run: function (bogey) {
        // Run the visualization

The bogey object passed to a module's bogey.run() emits the following events:

    bogey.on('request', function (data) {
        // Passes an object with parsed data from a log line.

    bogey.on('frame', function () {
        // A new frame is ready for rendering. If you use Bogey's render loop, this your
        // main update function.

    bogey.on('pause', function () {
        // The visualization has been paused (Space key pressed).

    bogey.on('play', function () {
        // The visualization has been unpaused (Space key pressed while paused).

    bogey.on('speedUp', function () {
        // The visualization has been sped up (+ key pressed).

    bogey.on('slowDown', function () {
        // The visualization has been slowed down (- key pressed).

    bogey.on('defaultSpeed', function () {
        // The visualization has been reset to normal speed (0 key pressed).

    bogey.on('resize', function () {
        // The visualization window has been resized.

    bogey.on('close', function () {
        // The visualization has been closed (Escape or Q key pressed).

Note that in the case of pause, play, speedUp, slowDown, defaultSpeed and resize, it is up to the visualization module to act on each of these requests.

You also don't have to use Bogey's render loop. If you choose to use a different engine, you can ignore the frame event and implement your own. For example, the Bogey Pong module uses the Phaser engine which has its own render loop.

Visualization development

Since Bogey expects visualizations to be CommonJS modules, it comes with build scripts that will automatically Browserify your modules and include them in Bogey.

While developing a visualization, you'll need to run the development version of Bogey.

Check out the repository:

git clone https://github.com/cognizo/bogey.git

Install its dependencies:

cd bogey
npm install

To include a visualization module, add a visualizations section to your config.json like:

"visualizations": [
    "my-module" // "my-module" should be an npm module that Bogey can require()

Then run:

gulp build

This will build your visualization and include it in the web frontend's configuration.

You can also run a development server that will automatically rebuild your visualizations any time they change with:

gulp serve