At this point, these notes are for my personal usage. They are likely somewhat contradictory.

I will present here (in the future page) my open source programming endeavors. They will probably be mostly raku related (rakudo, nqp and MoarVM) with an emphasis to everything connex to the rakudo grammar engine, especially slangs. There will also probably be stuff about typescript, vscode (particularly extensions), wasm (maybe in relation to rust) and sveltejs.

[purpose](#Purpose of a parse tree browser)

The following discussion was originally intended to discuss the implementation of the parse tree breadcrumbs bar as compared to the vanilla bbar. I had to explain the larger context.

Breadcrumbs bar [1], [2] explained in the vscode documentation with a picture I borrowed from there

breadcrumb configuration option
Breadcrumb bar on top with opened quickpick menu

| ![Vscode bbar in action with a dropdown menu](

Vscode bbar in action with a dropdown menu

current breadcrumbs bar and how to change.

the current breadcrumb bar appears at the top of an editor group. It displays path and symbol for the current editor in the editor group. The register function registers a bar widget for an editor group.

register(group: number, widget: BreadcrumbsWidget): IDisposable {

integration in vscode

  • hbar: horizontal bar
  • vbar: vertical bar
  • bbar : breadcrumbs hbar
  • sbbar: semantic bar
  • ebar: editor bar
  • status bar: items are not draggable and their new position remembered. Low hanging fruit? Way to learn
  • zones: tentative name. will contain hbars
  • lower zone : currently contains only the status bar
  • upper zone : current absent. configurable to extend or not up/below the panels

Group Editor bars

Currently there are two group editor hbars. The bbar and the open editors bar. I think they could be drag and droppable to the zones.


I discuss here how a hbar and bbar can fit in vscode taxonomy. I will point to the docs and code I should study to go further.

A bar contains items. Bars are ideal for items of the same size in their orthogonal direction. A vbar with. Square icons fits well both in bbars and hbars. But my concern here is bar with item of different size.

The user interface documentation speaks of bars, some are views or contains view, some views (all?) are drag and droppable. I distinguish vbars (vertical bars) and hbars (horizontal bars).

In western language word are of different length and are horizontally spread. So hbar is ideal for a sequence of items which are mostly words. An item can be adorned by a icon. An example of such an hbar is a sbbar.

A bbar is a special kind of bar which is a specialized view which are used in certain places. Probably a bbar should use the tree view API.

An extension example with treeview is here

A bar should be hooked into a vscode extension contribution point. I must understand what are views and view containers Should a bar be a specialisation of a view or a different contribution point

The current bbar is "hardwired" in vscode. But vscode folllow the design patterns of the gang of four so it should not be too hard to repurpose it if I understand these said patterns.

purpose of a parse tree browser

It will help writing and reading grammars.

See Specification for the vocabulary.

Writing a rakudo parse tree browser

The parse tree browser should allow to debug grammars. That means there is a way to keep the parse tree even for a failed parse. A failed parse will be a top match with a false boolean value. What is a failed parse should not be a problem unlike for regular regexes where backtracking would loose the failed but meaninful parse.

I will discuss two possible implementations. One using the existing bbar with existing LSP facilities. It is a good way step toward a full LSP based raku support but will not make possible most of the discusse features. Another way will necessitate a good knowledge of the breadcrumb API. There is another fork here. One implementation would replicate most of the bbar code to implement the parse tree bbar. It will be a hack because it will plug itself in the existing DON thanks to the CSSclass.

After a LSP partial parse tree bbar support, the next easier step is to support semantic highligting

This page may be relevant


The navigation can be done either from the bbar or from the editor. At any time a reducing rule of the parse tree is current. The selection covers the string reduced by the said rule. Some keybinding (probably from the bbar but also accessible without focus on the bbar) allows to move up one step in the parse tree. Another keybind will move up the tree to a node that reduces a larger string.

The user moves the cursor on the parsed file editor and the bbar displays the path from the top of the parse tree to the leaf token.

A few word about dynamic variables

Raku grammars are designed to parse very contextual languages. Some context is conveyed down the parse tree thru dynamic variable. They drive the parsing itself and the associated action. Long lasting context is stored in the world dynvar $*W that is a instance of Perl6::World

Next we will discuss the rules view which will involve dynamic variable

the rules view

It shows the rules for the path from the top to a leaf. For a given rule, the values of the dynamic variables it defines, sets or use are somehow accessible.

On the right a view displays the rules used for the parsing.

An access point to documentation

Eventually this should be a way to learn about the language and about raku grammar. When the parse file is a grammar, this will be the occasion to document the role of grammar dynamic variable. When clicking a variable would open the doc about variables.

It will be first used to document my upcoming slangs. The raku story was confusing enough for introducing slangs without a learning path. A discussion of AST slang. in a gist.

The format of the documentation should allow translators to independantly provide a translation from their own repo. The owner of the main documentation will just have to specify the repos for the different translations.

Each sentence will be uniquely identified by some SHA1s. A sentence will be written in markdown. But it would be good to have a sha1 for the unmarked sentence.

A cut and paste of a sentence must preserve its identity. A graphical interface should allow a translator to know what sentences must be translated and updated.

Code may or may not be translated. For the time being code is considered as minimal translation unit like a sentence.

We may allow the possibility to use the documentation to learn a language and display the sentence original and its translation on top of each other.

It is unclear if the documentation will be transcluded in the rules view and the transclusion

Also later AST can enter into the game.

A while ago, I dabbled in writing a parse tree browser using Svelte. I had written some code to generate json from the parse tree of a rakudo file. Now I have changed my mind and want to use a vscode extension to implement the parse tree browser. I was inspired by the vscode breadcrumbs bar (bbar)

breadcrumb configuration option
Breadcrumb bar on top with opened quickpick menu

Language service provider

breadcrumb bar

This bar allows to explore and navigate code for the file with thee cursor focus seen as an arborescence. You can even do that navigation from the keyboard. This breadcrumbs bar (bbar) is composed of two sections if the language service provider (LSP) is supported for the language for the current file. Enries from the first section are the path from the git repo folder to the current file. The next entries are recursive structures that lead to the one under the cursor. Currently raku does not support the LSP so we got only the first bbar section.

It is tempting to use a breadcrumb bar for navigating the raku parse tree. It is possible to generate json from the raku parse tree to communicate with vscode to generate the breadcrumb bar content.

I am tempted to create a second breadcrumb bar instead of using LSP to have more real estate. But it would oblige me to mess with vscode internals. There is no support to add a second breadcrumb bar. With the developper tools, I was able to find the css class breadcrumbs-tab and from that the code that handle breadcrumb bar. So I possibly could write an extension that would bypass that limitation of vscode API.

Raku parse trees are very deep. To save real estate, I would like subpath which matches reduce the same string to be displayable.

raku parse is done in stages and you can display the output of a particular stage. Here we have the parse tree for the say "hello" expression. Each corresponds to the reduction for a rule. We see that the EXPR/args/arglist/value/quote is the path for the reduction of the "hello" string.

parse tree

raku --target=parse -e 'say "hello"'
- statementlist: say "hello"
  - statement: 1 matches
    - EXPR: say "hello"
      - args:  "hello"
        - arglist: "hello"
          - EXPR: "hello"
            - value: "hello"
              - quote: "hello"
                - nibble: hello
      - longname: say
        - name: say
          - morename:  isa NQPArray
          - identifier: say
        - colonpair:  isa NQPArray

Parse tree

Note : the matches uses the position in the string. LSP thinks in term of lines and columns.

To save space on the bbar by a menu under the top one of the subpath. I don't think it is possible with the LSP API and/or the current breadcrum API.

I could do that but supporting this second breacrumb bar would lead me to no progress to support full LSP services for raku. then I discovered that the configuration

breadcrumb configuration option
An option to control file paths display in a breadcrumb bar

So far, to start simple, I want to navigate the parse tree for a unique file with a json parse tree generated in advance.

. So getting rid of the first bbar section would not be a nuisance as long as I am interested in raku parse tree.

Menus and commands

As I want to create a dedicated breadcrumb bar to navigate parse trees I must understand the code.

An .appendMenuItem and .registerCommandAndKeybindingRule use the same id breacrumbs.focusAndSelect. This common id probably explains why the title set in the first appears in the keybinding search panel instead of the id.

MenuRegistry.appendMenuItem(MenuId.CommandPalette, {
	command: {
		id: 'breadcrumbs.focusAndSelect',
		title: { value: localize('cmd.focus', "Focus Breadcrumbs"), original: 'Focus Breadcrumbs' },
		precondition: BreadcrumbsControl.CK_BreadcrumbsVisible

	id: 'breadcrumbs.focusAndSelect',
	weight: KeybindingWeight.WorkbenchContrib,
	primary: KeyMod.CtrlCmd | KeyMod.Shift | KeyCode.Period,
	when: BreadcrumbsControl.CK_BreadcrumbsPossible,
	handler: accessor => focusAndSelectHandler(accessor, true)

// this commands is only enabled when breadcrumbs are
// disabled which it then enables and focuses
	id: 'breadcrumbs.toggleToOn',
	weight: KeybindingWeight.WorkbenchContrib,
	primary: KeyMod.CtrlCmd | KeyMod.Shift | KeyCode.Period,
	when: ContextKeyExpr.not('config.breadcrumbs.enabled'),
	handler: async accessor => {
		const instant = accessor.get(IInstantiationService);
		const config = accessor.get(IConfigurationService);
		// check if enabled and iff not enable
		const isEnabled = BreadcrumbsConfig.IsEnabled.bindTo(config);
		if (!isEnabled.getValue()) {
			await isEnabled.updateValue(true);
			await timeout(50); // hacky - the widget might not be ready yet...
		return instant.invokeFunction(focusAndSelectHandler, true);

// focus/focus-and-select
function focusAndSelectHandler(accessor: ServicesAccessor, select: boolean): void {
	// find widget and focus/select
	const groups = accessor.get(IEditorGroupsService);
	const breadcrumbs = accessor.get(IBreadcrumbsService);
	const widget = breadcrumbs.getWidget(;
	if (widget) {
		const item = tail(widget.getItems());
		if (select) {
			widget.setSelection(item, BreadcrumbsControl.Payload_Pick);

vscode layout

The viewMap give the topmost parts of a vscode window. hbars would belong within the editorPartView like the current crumbars does. But within the viewMap there should be two zones

		[Parts.HBAR_LOWER_ZONE_PART]: this.HBarLowerZonePartView,
		[Parts.HBAR_TOP_ZONE_PART]: this.HBarTopZonePartView,

breadcrumbsWidget.ts does not contain code specific to any kind of breadcrumbbar

Because our test will not use the language server, we could use the existing bbar for a start. breadcrumbs[|Control|Model|Picker].ts

outline will not be necessary because in picker we have a cascade (subpath of parse tree) instead of siblings of the picked element