
This is a Lua source code distribution modified to match the World of Warcraft addon environment. This repository was converted from a CVS repository on luaforge.net on Jan. 20, 2010.

Primary LanguageCOtherNOASSERTION

World of Warcraft version by Matthew Orlando

See readme-lua.txt for the original README

This version of Lua is configured to match (more or less) the lua environment of World of Warcraft.

  • All 5.0-5.1 compatability options have been disabled except openlib
  • The bitlib library is included
  • Some WoW-specific, Lua library-like functions are implemented (see below)
  • Global aliases to Lua functions are provided (see below)
  • string.format can use argument selection from Lua 4.0. E.g: string.format("%2$d, %1$d, %d", 1, 2) == "2, 1, 2"
  • Ignores the UTF-8 Byte Order Mark at the beginning of a file
  • Max stack size increased to 4096

Note: the Windows binaries included in this download are statically linked for performance and file size. They may not function as expected when used with certain third-party packages. Please compile it from source (available at the above URL).

WoW-specific functions

All WoW-specific functions are implemented in the 'wow' package for simplicity's sake:

wow.debugstack (currently ignores top and bottom counts)

The global versions (and the few that are added to the string table) are aliased below.



date = os.date
time = os.time
difftime = os.difftime


abs = math.abs
acos = function (x) return math.deg(math.acos(x)) end
asin = function (x) return math.deg(math.asin(x)) end
atan = function (x) return math.deg(math.atan(x)) end
atan2 = function (x,y) return math.deg(math.atan2(x,y)) end
ceil = math.ceil
cos = function (x) return math.cos(math.rad(x)) end
deg = math.deg
exp = math.exp
floor = math.floor
frexp = math.frexp
ldexp = math.ldexp
log = math.log
log10 = math.log10
max = math.max
min = math.min
mod = math.fmod
PI = math.pi
rad = math.rad
random = math.random
randomseed = math.randomseed
sin = function (x) return math.sin(math.rad(x)) end
sqrt = math.sqrt
tan = function (x) return math.tan(math.rad(x)) end


format = string.format
gmatch = string.gmatch
gsub = string.gsub
strbyte = string.byte
strchar = string.char
strfind = string.find
strlen = string.len
strlower = string.lower
strmatch = string.match
strrep = string.rep
strrev = string.reverse
strsub = string.sub
strupper = string.upper


foreach = table.foreach
foreachi = table.foreachi
getn = table.getn
sort = table.sort
tinsert = table.insert
tremove = table.remove


strtrim = wow.strtrim
string.trim = wow.strtrim
strsplit = wow.strsplit
string.split = wow.strsplit
strjoin = wow.strjoin
string.join = wow.strjoin
strconcat = wow.strconcat
strreplace = wow.strreplace
string.replace = wow.strreplace
getglobal = wow.getglobal
setglobal = wow.setglobal
debugstack = wow.debugstack
scrub = wow.scrub
tostringall = wow.tostringall
wipe = wow.wipe
table.wipe = wow.wipe

Version History


  • Added scrub, tostringall, wipe
  • Visual Studio project upgraded to Visual Studio 2008
  • Visual C++ Runtime is now statically linked which should eliminate some problems running lua-wow under certain Windows installations


  • Added strrelpace (string.replace, wow.strreplace)


  • Added msvcr80.dll to the windows project


  • Reorganized readme files
  • Renamed msvc projects and the names of the exe output
  • msvc project includes the Lua icon and version resources for the executables


  • Added PI
  • Global versions of trigonometric functions now correctly use degrees
  • strsplit will print an appropriate error message if it overflows the stack
  • It should no longer be practically possible to overflow the stack with strjoin


  • Re-enabled 5.0 openlib compatibility since WoW does not use libs anyway


  • Changed GCPAUSE to 110 per WoW 2.1
  • Eliminated a few miscellaneous compiler warnings


  • Added #define LUA_LIB to lwowlib & lbitlib to fix compilation problems


  • Updated bitlib to the latest version
  • Bitlib now correctly uses 32-bit integers as does WoW
  • The global aliases to bitlib functions and table.setn have been removed since they do not exist in WoW


  • Ignores UTF-8 Byte Order Mark


  • Added debugstack() (not fully implemented--see below)
  • Made some slight optimizations/code simplifications


  • Added argument selection to string.format


  • Fixed Makefile problem


  • Added blizzard-specific functions & global aliases (see below)


  • This package can now be used as a drop-in replacement for the standard lua source distribution: The MSVC project (including precompiled windows binaries) is now found in the msvc subdirectory; the rest of the directory structure is untouched.


  • Added BitLib. Optimized file size of Luac.exe. Includes test Lua programs that come with standard Lua distribution.

1.0 - Initial Release