C-137 React is a Rick and Morty inspired Sci-Fi component library. It is specifically loosely based on the user interface seen in Rick's ship in the keep summer safe scene of the TV show. Currently the existing version is a prototype and I will be elaborating more on some components and makig it a bit more like it was inside of the show.
Install the library using yarn or npm which ever is your favorite.
yarn add https://github.com/jfehrman/c-137-react.git
npm i -P https://github.com/jfehrman/c-137-react.git
Below is an example of using the library.
import React from 'react';
import { AppBar } from 'c-137-react';
const MyCustomHeader = (props) => (
export MyCustomHeader;
Here is a list of the components.
To see all of our components visit our [Storybook](// TODO put storybook link here)