- 1
Package for luarocks
#153 opened by sahinf - 2
Way to prevent autocomplete if Esc is pressed?
#152 opened by sainttttt - 3
Indentation fail for certain filetypes
#151 opened by matthew-nm - 2
- 2
Is it possible to make lexima continue a bullet list?
#150 opened by eight04 - 2
- 4
- 2
Add endwise rules for Lua.
#146 opened by gnsfujiwara - 8
[Feature Request] Add g:lexima_manually_keys
#132 opened by 4513ECHO - 3
How can I add rules for {} and []
#145 opened by ahnafalnafis - 3
- 1
<Tab> key
#143 opened by aloispichler - 1
Abbreviations are not expanded in command-line mode
#141 opened by siaa4fu - 5
- 0
'except' on cmdline mode is not working
#140 opened by cohama - 10
#136 opened by aloispichler - 3
expanding strings instead of letters
#135 opened by aloispichler - 5
Problem using lexima with multi-cursor when press Esc
#133 opened by aj3423 - 4
- 4
Lexima seemingly breaking "set nocompatible"
#130 opened by DGotshalk - 1
= setpos ('.', [0, 1, 1, 0])? '': '' appears in the command line when exiting insert mode
#127 opened by jpasquier - 1
Nix rule breaks plugin
#122 opened by ymarkus - 2
Lexima#add_rule for 'char': '%'
#92 opened by brainclone - 1
- 1
- 1
The closing character is succeeded by: `«»`
#113 opened by AnatoleLucet - 0
Suggestion: Add tags for help
#125 opened by 4513ECHO - 1
- 4
Put closing triple backticks on a line below the cursor
#121 opened by erikw - 1
Delete inefective for numbers greater than 1
#111 opened by ngmoviedo - 1
Lua endwise rules
#107 opened by gegoune - 2
It breaks with tree-sitter indentation
#115 opened by lourenci - 7
How to custom cr mapping?
#104 opened by glepnir - 1
Endwise rules behave unexpectedly
#119 opened by lyokha - 2
- 2
- 1
- 2
- 1
Add rule using | character
#112 opened by ngmoviedo - 0
Does not work properly after `<C-o>f`
#110 opened by yuki-yano - 1
- 1
Feature request: support context_filetype.vim
#109 opened by kg8m - 4
- 1
- 2
How do I install the plugin to NeoVim
#102 opened by h3ndry - 3
- 5
- 0
- 4
#94 opened by KottoSyu - 2
Error (Undefined variable: v:t_number) while using the latest lexima version
#93 opened by installero