
[Deprecated in favor of lexima.vim] vim-endwise implementation in vim-smartinput

Primary LanguageVim Script


vim-endwise implementation in vim-smartinput

##INTRODUCTION vim-smartinput-endwise is an extension of vim-smartinput to provide thefeature of vim-endwise.

You can avoid a confliction between vim-endwise and vim-smartinput.

##USAGE This plugin requires vim-smartinput.
Write bellow in your vimrc

NeoBundle 'kana/vim-smartinput'
NeoBundle 'cohama/vim-smartinput-endwise'
call smartinput_endwise#define_default_rules()

and you can use this plugin at once.

For example,

def foo()|

is expanded to

def foo()

. | represents the cursor.

##TODO Currently, only Ruby, Vim script and sh (zsh) are available and the
others (Lua, VB (VBA) and Elixir) are not implemented yet.