#Curated list of png/svg web-dev logos


  1. angular
  2. arduino
  3. babel
  4. bootstrap
  5. bourbon logo only
  6. bourbon with text
  7. bower
  8. browserify
  9. browserify2
  10. css3
  11. ejs
  12. express
  13. firebase
  14. full mean stack
  15. git-fork
  16. github
  17. grunt
  18. gulp
  19. html5
  20. jade
  21. jasmine png
  22. jasmine svg
  23. javascript
  24. jquery
  25. jquery-dark
  26. materialize
  27. mocha
  28. mongo DB
  29. mongoose
  30. nodejs png
  31. nodejs svg
  32. nodemon
  33. npm
  34. postgres
  35. pugFace
  36. pugSolid
  37. pugTextBW
  38. pugTextColor
  39. react
  40. redis
  41. redux
  42. sass
  43. socket.io
  44. tape
  45. yeoman

Feel free to add your own, just make a PR!

PS - the SVG files don't work here (and most likely in your repo) due to an issue on Github: isaacs/github#316 but should work fine if you download them for use on your site.

Adding to the List



  1. angular

Markup: 1. [angular](angular.png)<img src="angular.png" height="40">

Format: 1. [text to display](imageName.file)<imc src="imageName.file" height="desired height in pixels">

  • The "1." at the beginning of the line stays the same throughout the list (markup knows to increment for you)
  • The two instances of (imageName.file) are doing different things:
    1. [angular](angular.png) - sets it as a link to the github source file page (then you'll want to right click and copy img location)
    2. <img src="angular.png" height="40"> - sets up the image in the README and sets the size to a height of 40px