Enhancer Identification from DNA sequence using Transfer and Adversarial Deep Learning


This package implements deep-learning based training algorithms for enhancer classification, described in [1]

Authors: Dikla Cohn, Or Zuk and Tommy Kaplan


Use: Python 3.5.2+ and Python2.7 tensorflow 1.1.0 used on Linux machine, gpu (nvidia tesla M60)

For k-shuffling we used the uShuffle tool [2]: link for downloading the uShuffle library: http://digital.cs.usu.edu/~mjiang/ushuffle/ How to Use uShuffle in Python: http://digital.cs.usu.edu/~mjiang/ushuffle/python.html Build a shared library ushuffle.so and save it in the main directory (enhancer_CNN/).

For finding denovo motifs and comparing to known motifs we used the Homer tool [3].

Data Preparation:

For all projects (except the simulated_data project): save positive (and negative if needed) samples as text files to: /<project_name>/data/samples/<species_name>/
The files should contain one line for each sample string (of A,C,G,T only, no N's)
Name the files: negative_samples positive_samples (negative samples not required for k_shuffle projects). Each file should contain:
for TF data - 12K lines (samples) for H3K27ac data - 14K lines (samples)

  • as in the given example files, located in: TF_vs_negative_data/data/samples/example/ you can use the: create_species_dirs.py script to create species directories (already created in each project).

Specifically for the simulated_data project, no need to create positive and negative samples in advance. Run:
python2.7 simulated_data/run_data_loader.py simulated_data_<motif_name> <normal_sigma>
For example:
python2.7 simulated_data/run_data_loader.py simulated_data_CEBPA_JASPAR normal_40
This module creates the simulated data of one TF: CEBBA or HNF4A. Each sample contains a short sequence sampled from the PWM of the TF.
The location of the planted motif is sampled with normal distribution around the center of each sample, according to the given value. (We used sigma=40).
This module also writes all created data samples and labels both as text files and as numpy binary files to: /simulated_data/data/normal_dist_centers/<motif_name>/samples/
The generated files contain 10K samples in positive samples and 10K samples in negative samples.

Additional data used in the paper [1] is available at: http://www.cs.huji.ac.il/~tommy//enhancer_CNN/Enhancers_vs_negative.tgz.
There are 3 types of files in the gzipped tar file. For each of the 17 species we used in the paper, you can find the positive_samples and negative_samples sequences (500bp each) in appropriate files, 14K in each file. The files in peaks_fasta_files are FASTA formatted and contain the full list of 500bp positive sequences, each with its genomic coordinates.


  1. data loader: (from string sequences (ACGT...) to npy files) - run with a specific project dir:

for simulated data project: python2.7 simulated_data/run_data_loader.py simulated_data_CEBPA_JASPAR <normal_sigma>

for other projects: python2.7 /<project_name>/run_data_loader.py [<k>]

for the k-shuffle projects (TF_vs_k_shuffle, H3K27ac_vs_k_shuffle or negative_data_vs_k_shuffle), before running the above run_data_loader.py, run: python2.7 /<project_name>/data_loader_<project_name>.py

for example: python2.7 /TF_vs_k_shuffle/data_loader_TF_vs_k_shuffle.py
python2.7 /negative_data_vs_k_shuffle/data_loader_negative_data_vs_k_shuffle_each_species.py
This module creates data for each species separately, and for all values of k (k=1,...,9).

  1. CNN train: CNN_trainer creates tar files of new network models, and saves them to <project_name>/checkpoints dir.

for simulated_data project: python3 /CNN/run_test_CNN.py simulated_data_CEBPA_JASPAR <num_runs> <num_epochs> <normal_sigma> for example: python3 /CNN/CNN_trainer.py simulated_data_CEBPA_JASPAR 50 20 normal_40

for other projects: python3 /CNN/CNN_trainer.py <project_name> <num_runs> <num_epochs> [<k>] for example: python3 /CNN/CNN_trainer.py TF_vs_negative_data 50 20 python3 /CNN/CNN_trainer.py TF_vs_k_shuffle 50 20 4 python3 /CNN/CNN_trainer.py H3K27ac_vs_negative_data 50 20 python3 /CNN/CNN_trainer.py H3K27ac_vs_k_shuffle 50 20 4

for training on all k values: sbatch /<project_name>/train_all_k.sh

Before testing: copy tar files from: <project_name>/checkpoints dir to: <project_name>/checkpoints_tmp dir, such that checkpoints_tmp dir will contain only tar files of models you wish to test on.

  1. CNN test: for simulated_data project: python3 /CNN/run_test_CNN.py simulated_data_CEBPA_JASPAR <normal_sigma> for example: python3 /CNN/run_test_CNN.py simulated_data_CEBPA_JASPAR normal_40

for other projects: python3 /CNN/run_test_CNN.py <project_name> [<k>] for testing networks trained on all k values: sbatch /<project_name>/test_all_k.sh

  1. show convolution: for simulated_data project: python3 /CNN/show_convolution.py simulated_data_CEBPA_JASPAR <normal_sigma> for other projects: python3 /CNN/show_convolution.py <project_name> [<\k>]

  2. tensor visualization: (used for Figure4 and Figure6) for simulated_data project: python3 /CNN/tensor_visualization.py simulated_data_CEBPA_JASPAR <normal_sigma> for other projects: python3 /CNN/tensor_visualization.py <project_name> [<k>]

  3. Compare to known motifs (using the Homer tool - compareMotifs.pl): (used for Figure 4 and Figure 6) for simulated_data project: python3 /motifs/read_filters_and_run_Homer_compare_motifs.py simulated_data_CEBPA_JASPAR <normal_sigma> for other projects: python3 /motifs/read_filters_and_run_Homer_compare_motifs.py <project_name> [<k>]

  4. Homer find denovo and known motifs (using the Homer tool - findMotifs.pl): for simulated_data project: python3 /create_data_for_Homer.py simulated_data_CEBPA_JASPAR <normal_sigma> python3 /run_Homer_find_denovo_motifs.py simulated_data_CEBPA_JASPAR <normal_sigma>

for other projects: python3 /create_data_for_Homer.py <project_name> [<k>] python3 /run_Homer_find_denovo_motifs.py <project_name> [<k>]

PSSM straw man model: (both with and without prior knowlegde regarding the distribution of planted motif's location) First PSSM model - uses PWM of CEBPA transcription factor from JASPAR: for simulated_data project: python3 /PSSM_straw_man_model/straw_man_model.py simulated_data_CEBPA_JASPAR <normal_sigma> for other projects: python3 /PSSM_straw_man_model/straw_man_model.py <project_name>

Second PSSM model - uses PWM of denovo motif (first result in Homer findMotifs, when running on positive vs. negative data): for simulated_data project: python3 /PSSM_straw_man_model/straw_man_model.py simulated_data_denovo <normal_sigma> for other projects: python3 /PSSM_straw_man_model/straw_man_model.py <project_name>

for example, python3 /PSSM_straw_man_model/straw_man_model.py simulated_data_CEBPA_JASPAR normal_40 python3 /PSSM_straw_man_model/straw_man_model.py simulated_data_denovo normal_40


The code shown below was used to generate the figures in the paper [1]

Figure2: python3 /roc_comparison.py simulated_data_CEBPA_JASPAR <normal_sigma> for example, python3 /roc_comparison.py simulated_data_CEBPA_JASPAR normal_40

Figure3 and supp.Figure3: For TF projects: python3 /CNN/display_heatmap_TF.py <project_name> [<k>]

for example: python3 /CNN/display_heatmap_TF.py TF_vs_negative_data python3 /CNN/display_heatmap_TF.py TF_vs_k_shuffle <k> and similarly for enhancer projects: python3 /CNN/display_heatmap_enhancer.py H3K27ac_vs_negative_data python3 /CNN/display_heatmap_enhancer.py H3K27ac_vs_k_shuffle <k>

Figure5: python3 /CNN/display_k_graph_different_models.py TF_vs_k_shuffle negative_data_vs_k_shuffle H3K27ac_vs_k_shuffle


This package was developed by Dikla Cohn, as part of work on the paper [1]. Please cite this paper if using the package


[1] "Enhancer Identification using Transfer and Adversarial Deep Learning of DNA Sequences" D. Cohn, O. Zuk and T. Kaplan (Biorxiv, 2018)

[2] uShuffle: A useful tool for shuffling biological sequences while preserving the k-let counts. Jiang, M. et al., 2008 BMC Bioinformatics 2008 9:192

[3] Simple Combinations of Lineage-Determining Transcription Factors Prime cis-Regulatory Elements Required for Macrophage and B Cell Identities. Heinz, S. et al., 2010 MolCell,38(4), 576-589. doi:10.1016/j.molcel.2010.05.004