Android Libbitcoin

Table of Contents


The guide assumes that you are using Linux or Mac for development.

Below are the Android tools needed:

  • Install ANDROID_BUILD_TOOLS="26.0.3"
  • Install ANDROID_COMPILE_SDK="26"
  • Install Linux Android NDK = r16b
  • Install MAC Android NDK = r16b

Getting Started

The build process requires several pieces of software to be installed on the host system:

  • autoconf
  • automake
  • cmake
  • git
  • libtool
  • pkgconfig
  • protobuf
  • clang
  • astyle

The following command will install the necessary dependencies on Ubuntu:

apt-get install patch autoconf automake cmake git libtool pkg-config protobuf-compiler clang astyle

The following command will install the necessary dependencies on MAC

brew install autoconf automake cmake git libtool pkgconfig protobuf astyle

Build Terminal

First export the following variables.

export ANDROID_HOME=your-android-sdk-location
export ANDROID_NDK_HOME=your-android-sdk-location
export PATH=$PATH:/sdk-tools/platform-tools/

Change to the BindingsExmpl dir

cd ./BindingsExmpl

Run the following gradle commands.

  • Run the following commands to verify everything is setup
    • ./gradlew --version
    • ./gradlew task
  • The following are the HEART of the build steps. This will run the commands that will output the final .aar file.
    • ./gradlew assemble
    • ./gradlew libbitcoinbindings:libAAR

Release For Android Apps

  • Keep build artifacts Forever
    • Pipeline Page
    • In the artifacts page select keep
    • Right Click Download button and copy link address
    • This is the url that the android app/build.gradle needs as a dependency.
    • Update the android_libbitcoin_download variable to be the new release dependency.

CI / Build for maven deploy

These environment vars are nessisary for the deployment to nexus



At the end of the build process you should see a new file named libraryAAR. Is this new dir you should see libbitcoinbindings-release.aar.