
Primary LanguageJavaScript


A preconfigured SvelteKit + Tailwind JIT setup and mono-repo template

Run as Docker service or copy and paste the barebone dir where you need.

Useful for rapid prototyping or seeding your project with the necessary SvelteKit config to get productive.

Svkeleton as a service

SvelteKit dev server rdy to go with Tailwind JIT; start with one-liner: docker-compose up (after following setup outlined below)

This Docker image / compose service can run as alternative to copy/pasting the entirety of files of a Svelte Kit barebones install (./apps/svelte-kit-bones).

First, build the image from root of this repo:

docker build -t svkeleton -f svkeleton.Dockerfile .

Then copy ./utils/dev-service/docker-compose.yml file into the target directory for which you want to create a new Svelte Kit app or demo.

Then create src directory and run docker-compose up


# (from the root of this repo)
mkdir demos; cd demos
mkdir my-awesome-demo; cd my-awesome-demo
cp ../../utils/dev-service/docker-compose.yml .
mkdir src #(necessary to avoid container permission issue)
docker-compose up
# SvelteKit dev server (w/ Vite hotreloading and Tailwind JIT)
# now watching ur new src dir at http://localhost:3333

SvelteKit dev server running; now get to coding!


If you wish to edit or add new static files then also be sure to mkdir static and uncomment the ./static: line under volumes in the docker-compose.yml file.

importing npm modules
To add modules that need to be installed via npm you can edit your docker-compose.yml to add a line for each module you wish to make available on container start. Ex:

command: >
  sh -c "node init.cjs && 
          npm install axios &&
          npm run dev"       

(where axios is a npm module not otherwise available)

svelte.config.js, tailwind.config.js, or any other individual file
If you need to override an individual file in the Svekeleton container you can use a bind volume; just create the file in your app or demo dir and then mount it into container like so:

       - ./src:/home/node/svkeleton/src
       - ./static:/home/node/svkeleton/static
       - type: bind 
         source: ./tailwind.config.cjs
         target: /home/node/svkeleton/tailwind.config.cjs

Docker compose overrides

svelte-kit dev port
By default a svelte-kit dev starts on port 3333. To change this, edit your docker-compose.yml to change the environment : PORT value

if you are binding ports to the container also be sure to change ports mapping, located in this same file, to reflect your custom port so you can access it through the container. Alternatively to binding a port see the below option.

network_mode: "host" Instead of isolating your Svkeleton's network to inside the container (thus requiring a port binding to reach it) you may run it on the same host by removing the ports line in docker-compose.yml and replacing with network_mode: "host"

other changes
If necessary, make a copy and/or edit the base SvelteKit app ./apps/svelte-kit-bones and rebuild the image to introduce structural changes that otherwise are difficult to do via the stock Docker service/container.