CoinPaprika Google Sheets Integration

Welcome to the updated CoinPaprika Google Sheets Integration! This tool integrates real-time cryptocurrency data from CoinPaprika into Google Sheets, enabling advanced tracking and analysis of the cryptocurrency market.


  • Direct API Integration: Fetch real-time cryptocurrency data from CoinPaprika's API.
  • Custom Functions: Access various data points, including historical data, ticker information, global crypto market data, and specific coin details.
  • API-PRO Compatibility: Leverage enhanced features with CoinPaprika's API-PRO for more detailed data access.
  • Simple Configuration: Use API key as a parameter for expanded data access.

Setup Guide

Step 1: Open Google Sheets

Create or open an existing Google Sheets document for cryptocurrency data integration. Step 1

Step 2: Access Script Editor

In Google Sheets, navigate to "Extensions" > "Apps Script" to open the Script Editor. Step 2

Step 3: Copy and Paste the Script

Copy the CoinPaprika integration script from the repository and paste it into the Script Editor. Step 3

Step 4: Save and Authorize

Save the script. If running for the first time, Google will prompt you to authorize the script. Step 4-1 Step 4-2

Step 5: Start Using Functions

Use the custom functions in your sheet with the required parameters, including the API key if you have one.

Available Functions

  1. CP_TICKERS(coinId, apiKey):

    • Fetches specific data for a given cryptocurrency symbol.
    • Parameters:
      • coinId (string): Symbol of the cryptocurrency (e.g., 'BTC').
      • apiKey (string): API key for CoinPaprika, if available.
    • Formula Usage example:
      • API pro - without limits:
      =CP_TICKERS("btc-bitcoin", "your_api_key_here")
      • API free:
  2. CP_TICKERS_HISTORY(coinId, date, interval, limit, quote, apiKey):

    • Retrieves historical data for a specified cryptocurrency.
    • Parameters:
      • coinId (string): ID of the cryptocurrency (e.g., 'btc-bitcoin').
      • date (string): Date for historical data in 'YYYY-MM-DD' format.
      • interval (string): Interval for historical data (e.g., '1h').
      • limit (string): Limit of historical data to retrieve.
      • quote (string): Quote currency (default is 'usd').
      • apiKey (string): API key for CoinPaprika, if available.
    • Formula Usage Example:
      =CP_TICKERS_HISTORY("btc-bitcoin", "2022-01-01", "1h", "10", "usd", "your_api_key_here")
  3. CP_COINS(coin_id, apiKey):

    • Retrieves specific details about a cryptocurrency based on its coin ID.
    • Parameters:
      • coin_id (string): Unique identifier of the cryptocurrency (e.g., 'bitcoin').
      • apiKey (string): API key for CoinPaprika, if available.
    • Formula Usage Example:
      • API pro - without limits:
      =CP_COINS("btc-bitcoin", "your_api_key_here")
      • API free:
  4. CP_GLOBAL(apiKey):

    • Fetches and populates cells with global cryptocurrency data.
    • Parameters:
      • apiKey (string): API key for CoinPaprika, if available.
    • Formula Usage Example:
      • API pro - without limits:
      • API free:
  5. CP(coinId, apiKey):

    • Fetches USD price for a given cryptocurrency symbol.
    • Parameters:
      • coinId (string): Symbol of the cryptocurrency (e.g., 'btc-bitcoin').
      • apiKey (string): API key for CoinPaprika, if available.
    • Formula Usage example:
      • API pro - without limits:
      =CP("btc-bitcoin", "your_api_key_here")
      • API free:

API-PRO Features

Upgrade to CoinPaprika API-PRO for additional insights:

  • Enhanced Historical Data: Access detailed historical data.
  • Wider Asset Coverage: Track a broader range of cryptocurrencies.
  • Frequent Price Updates: Get more refined price updates.

Upgrade to API-PRO for advanced features.

About CoinPaprika

CoinPaprika provides comprehensive market data and is a trusted resource for cryptocurrency insights.

Support and Feedback

For support, suggestions, or feedback, please visit GitHub Issues.