0. Starting container

docker run -dt --name autofl_data -v $(pwd)/workspace:/root/workspace agb94/fonte:latest
docker exec -it autofl_data bash
  • The directory ./workspace in the host machine will share data with /root/workspace in the container.
  • $(pwd): The current directory. Change it to ${PWD} or %cd% if you're using PowerShell or Windows Command Prompt, respectively.

1. Extracting data

When you run it for the first time, it may take some time to build and test gzoltar (the coverage measurement tool).

1-1. Only suspicious methods (AutoFL settings)

python extract_suspicious.py # This extracts the method snippet of the suspicious methods in sbfl_method_ranks_full.json 

1-2. All methods

python extract_all.py # This extracts the method snippet of all methods

You can specify the target projects by modifying the TARGET_PROJECTS variable.

import json
import os
import time
import shutil
import re

TARGET_PROJECTS = ["Lang", "Chart", "Time", "Math", "Closure"]
JAVA_ANALYZER = "./java_analyzer/target/java-analyzer-1.0-SNAPSHOT-shaded.jar"