
pipette execs snippet palettes

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


Build Status Code Climate Test Coverage


Pipette is a small Rails app which lets registered users create, execute, and post comments on snippets containing Bourne shell commands.


Each signed in user can create and edit her snippets.

Snippets have:

  • a title
  • content
  • execution output (only the latest execution result is persistent)

A snippet might look like something along the lines of:

ls -lah ~
cat file.txt
echo "Hello world"

Note: Currently, Pipette only supports single-line commands, and execution output is not persistent at all.

The commands are executed by Tourette, a Sinatra-powered JSON API endpoint.


Pipette is the result of an internship application process, and is a toy project which attempts to serve as a reference implementation for some common web application functionalities, while also covering those functionalities with RSpec and Cucumber tests.