
Implement routes within your OpenWhisk actions

Primary LanguageJavaScript

openwhisk-routes - Implement routes within your OpenWhisk actions dependency status

This package allows you to implement basic routing within an OpenWhisk web action.

See also:


const routes = require('openwhisk-routes');

exports.main = routes((action) => {
  // Create a plain text response
  action.get('/', (req, res) => res.send('hello world!'));

  // Create a JSON response
  action.get('/json', (req, res) => res.status(201).json({ ok: 'get' }));

  // Use path parameters
  action.get('/params/:id', (req, res) => res.json({ id: req.params.id }));


npm install --save openwhisk-routes

API details

The package exposes one function which accepts another function and returns a valid OpenWhisk action. This function will be invoked during action initialisation and is called with the action instance.

const routes = require('openwhisk-routes');
const options = {};

exports.main = routes((action) => {
  // Defined your routes
  action.get('/', (request, response, next) => {
}, options) // options are optional


The available options are:

  • init - Optional. A function which is called during initialisation. The OpenWhisk parameters will be passed to this function.
  • destruct - Optional. A function which is called when finalizing the action. The OpenWhiskt parameters will be passed to this function.
  • ignoreProperties - Required, default []. An array which identifies properties included in the OpenWhisk parameters which should not be assigned into the request.body object.


action is derived from the routes npm package.



  • url - The actual url of the web action call.
  • method - The HTTP method used to call the web action.
  • body - The body which was sent in message body. The body is derived from the OpenWhisk parameters, it includes all properties except the ones excluded by options.ignoreProperties and the ones starting with __.
  • params - The url-params. E.g. /:id will be available via params.id.
  • query - The query string of the Url.
  • wsk - The original OpenWhisk action parameters.



  • header(name, value) - Add a header to the response.

  • status(statuscode) - Override the default HTTP response status.

  • html(htmlcontent) - Send a response with HTML content.

  • json(object) - Send a response with a JSON object as content.

  • send(body) - Send a response with either application/json and text/plain.

  • sendStatus(statusCode) - Sends a status including a status response text.

  • redirect(location) - Send a HTTP redirect.