
A template for creating a pushed.to blog.

Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0


This is a template for a pushed.to blog.

Get Started

Fork this repository into your own GitHub user or organization space. When forked you can visit pushed.to/GIT_USERNAME/GIT_REPOSITORY_NAME.

.blog Reference

The .blog contains configurations for your blog. The template`s .blog-file contains the following settings:

  "title": "Blog Title",
  "dateFormat": "MMMM DD, YYYY",
  "postPerPage": 3,
  "description": "This is a sample blog template. You may not define any description at all. But, you can do here...",
  "topics": [
  "social": {
    "twitter": "someTwitterHandle",
    "linkedin": "https://www.linkedin.com/in/some-name-0000000"
  "analyticsId": "UA-2075101-7",
  "disqusId": "pushed-to"
  • title - This is the printed title of your blog.
  • dateFormat - Is the format of how dates are formatted on your blog (e.g. posted at date).
  • postPerPage - Number of posts per page in the blog`s landing page and history.
  • description - Optional. Is a short description of your blog, it will be displayed on the landing page of your blog.
  • topics - A list of topics your blog contains. The topics are shown on the landing page and posts can be filtered based on these topics.
  • social - A list of social accounts:
    • twitter - Optional. Your twitter handle (without the @).
    • linkedin - Optional. Your linkedin profile url.
  • analyticsId - Your own tracking id for Google Analytics.
  • disqusId - Your own project id from Disqus, if not set a default id will be used to render comments section.

Note Other information like your name, location, website, etc. is taken from your GitHub profile.

Writing Posts

Every markdown file you place in the master branch of your repository is considered to be a post (except README.md). pushed.to will update your blog within 15 minutes automatically. If you want to update your blog immediately you may also call http://pushed.to/YOUR_USERNAME/YOUR_REPO/update.

You can write any Markdown which also works on GitHub; pushed.to will use GitHub's Markdown rendering to render your blog, thus you may also use any kind of source code in your post which is supported/ rendered by GitHub.

Apart from that there are some conventions you can use to properly interpret your posts.

Defining a Post Title

The title of your blog post will be the first line of your markdown which should be a H1 headline:

# This will be your post title

And here starts your content.

Separating the Post's Preview Part

Usually you want to split your post into two parts: A short TL;DR which is shown in the list of posts as well as on the top of the actual post view and the remaining content. You can easily split these parts with a horizontal line (---):

# This will be your post title



The remaining content of your post.

Including Images

For images you may use relative paths within your repository. pushed.to will properly resolve the relative paths. Every relative path must start with . or ...

![Some image](./images/pic-1.jpg)

Linking Topics

A post may be linked/ tagged with topics. To link your post with topics, use a code-block of type topics anywhere in your Markdown file. To work properly the code-block whould be after an empty line, and another empty line after it. A best bractice is to include this blog before your TL;DR/ Content separator:

# This will be your post title


topic-a, topic-b


The remaining content of your post.

The topic code-block will not be printed in your post. It will be used to display tags and to find the post when filtering for a topic.