
Create cards in Trello via @alfredapp for Mac

Primary LanguagePHP

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#Alfred for Trello - Workflow
###Create cards in Trello via @alfredapp for Mac.

**[Download Alfred for Trello 1.0](https://dl.dropbox.com/s/bb86royejj6r7o7/index.html)**


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  1. Use the keyword "jello" to authorise Alfred for Trello to access your Trello information.
  2. Copy the token generated by Trello.com
  3. Open the Afred for Trello Workflow and enter the token in /bin/bash script: token=''
  4. Go to your Trello.com board that you wish to use and copy the Board ID. You can find the Board ID just before your board name. For example: https://trello.com/b/4f21cb176603c3/yourname/
  5. In the example above 4f21cb176603c3 is the board id.
  6. Enter the Board ID in /bin/bash script: boardid=''
  7. Within the Alfred for Trello workflow double click the Hotkey and set "Option + Command + t" or your preferred hotkey.

###Optional You can specifify a list within your Trello board. Simply open the /bin/bash script within the workflow and enter the name of the list. For example if your list name is inbox enter: listname='inbox'. If you leave it blank listname='' the first list within your board will be used as default list.


  • trello card name; description

    Example: trello Do work!; seriously, do work

    Do work! Will be the Card title

    seriously, do work Will be the Card description

  • Alternatively you can select any text and press "Option + Command + t" (or your custom hotkey) to create a card in Trello with the selected text.