- 2
Choose fit method (MLE or MM)
#55 opened by tristangarrec - 0
How to close these messages?
#104 opened by ZhikangLai - 1
Add method to get best fitted model
#44 opened by Permafacture - 0
- 1
- 0
- 0
- 0
The cumulative distribution function of geninvgauss is outputting values slightly greater than 1
#89 opened by vascoamaralgrilo - 0
Documentation for distribution options in fitter
#72 opened by AngCamp - 0
The ks_test results obtained from the module are different from the results while using the ks_test myself
#85 opened by Summer0328 - 2
[Feature Request]: Compact set of most diverse distributions to try on a limited budget
#81 opened by fingoldo - 1
- 1
fit(progress=X) does nothing
#75 opened by Linduri - 1
I think BIC is defined incorrectly
#77 opened by helios1014 - 1
Fit distribution of discrete values
#79 opened by BishopKing - 1
NameError: name 'logger' is not defined
#82 opened by hummm310 - 1
"bic" values not returned by summary()
#80 opened by kharelg1 - 0
"Progress = False" not working
#84 opened by weOptimize - 3
summary crash
#83 opened by alekin2 - 0
- 0
- 1
Bug: get_best() returns worst fitting distribution when method is set to the ks_statistic
#73 opened by andymd26 - 2
Improve logging facilities
#50 opened by MadRabbit05 - 0
Covariance matrix for parameters
#71 opened by marijad87 - 2 warning and skipping
#68 opened by EkremSel - 1
- 0
what is the best range for `sumsquare_error`?
#67 opened by findyy99 - 2
Progress Bar in Jupyter lab
#61 opened by diegourreamendez - 2
- 4
Dependency "easydev" unmarked on conda
#56 opened by galvanized - 2
Conda package not updated
#51 opened by LSgeo - 5
fitter-1.3.0 use pip install got error message
#30 opened by OscarMCY - 1
negative binomial distribution
#62 opened by WXY-Belief - 1
Enhancement: Add goodness of fit statistic values as additional evaluation tool
#54 opened by lahdjirayhan - 1
- 2
How to order by AIC (Akaike Information Criterion) or BIC (Bayesian Information Criterion)?
#49 opened by emma-luk - 1
- 3
Suppress warnings does not work
#43 opened by CBrauer - 0
Will fitter support CUDA acceleration?
#48 opened by CassieMai - 0
Fitter can't fit data on custom histograms?
#45 opened by meetsaiya - 2
Fitter worked fine and then stopped working
#40 opened by odsogunro - 0
Feature request: raise Exception when an item in distributions is not a valid distribution
#42 opened by amirpaster - 1
- 3
- 3
Reproducibility across fittings
#28 opened by nchelaru - 2
NOT clearing the output of summary()
#33 opened by dulti - 1
Empty progress bar is shown when progress=False
#36 opened by msat59 - 8
Timeout error for all distributions.
#31 opened by henriquedgarcia - 0
Unable to fit data
#39 opened by das-srv - 1
fit() does not work with > 2000 samples.
#34 opened by dgusain1