This repo contains numerical analysis function implements by Rust and C#.
Polynomial Value Evaluates Evaluates a polynomial function with given coefficients and input values. The polynomial is evaluated using the following formula:
y = c[0] + (x - b[0]) * (c[1] + (x - b[1]) * (c[2] + ...))
where c is the coefficients, b is the bias and x in the input values. x can be an array contains as many as values.
PloyEval implements both in C# and Rust in platform
. If platform supports SIMD (inaarch64
) then using SIMD when numbers of x is larger than 8.
- Bisect Using the bisection method to find the root of a function within a given interval.
- Newton method Using the Newton's method for finding the root of a function or improved Newton's method for finding m order multiple root.
- fpi Using fixed-point iteration to find the root of a function.