
Framework for embedding mock http responses into your iOS app

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT



Because embedding mocks inside your app is awesome. It de-couples you from the backend during development and can save you a ton of time.

How does it work?

AlamofireMocks makes it easy to switch between sending real http request using Alamofire and returning mock responses.

Simple just switch the SessionManager and use the MockSessionManager to start receiving mock responses.

Normal response

let sessionManager = Alamofire.SessionManager.default
sessionManager.request("https://httpbin.org/get").responseJSON { response in    
    if let json = response.result.value {
        print("JSON: \(json)")

Mock response

let sessionManager = MockSessionManager()
sessionManager.request("https://httpbin.org/get").responseJSON { response in    
    if let json = response.result.value {
        print("JSON: \(json)")

Configuring Mock Responses

By default the MockSessionManager uses the DefaultResponseStore. The DefaultResponseStore looks for mock responses in a mocks folder reference inside your application bundle.

For example a GET request to http://example.com/test will look for a mock response at mocks/test/default.json.

Manifest File

Manifest files are used to return different responses according to the parameters in the request. For example if the following manifest.json file existed at mocks/test/manifest.json:

        "params": {
            "key": "apples"
        "file": "apples.json"

A GET request to http://example.com/test?key=apples would look for a mock response at mock/test/apples.json