Template Spec & Guidelines


To run the unit and e2e tests on your machine, install Karma, Protractor and Web-driver Manager globally.

Enter command:

npm i -g karma protractor webdriver-manager

Application Components

Developer Information



Project Structure

Name Description
docs Source-code documentation output generated by typedoc. (Local only)
guides Developer information and template specifcation
git-hooks Custom git-hooks examples
hooks Cordova hooks directory
node_modules Contains all npm dependencies
platforms Contains all targeted compiled cordova platform projects. (Local only)
plugins Contains all plugins for cordova project
resources App resources
src Application Source code
target Directory to store deployed targeted environment
test-config Test configuration for Unit and UI component testing
tests Directory for E2E test config and tests
www Compiled application source-code
.editorconfig Cross team IDE/Editor configuration
.gitignore List of files not to be pushed to remote repo
.npmrc npm configuration
config.xml Cordova project configuration file
ionic.config.json ionic configuration file
package.json Contains npm dependencies as well as custom scripts
postinstall.sh script to run after npm install. (Not Integrated)
preinstall.sh script to ensure correct version of NodeJS is being used. (Not Integrated)
protractor.conf.js E2E testing configuration
tsconfig.json Typescript configuration
tslint.json Typescript linter configuration