SQL data extraction for Scienti and Colav parners Oracle databases
Package extract the data from SQL databases from Oracle Databases from Scienti or Colav parners Models are defined here, filters etc..
Before installing the package, you need to install Graphviz
sudo apt-get install graphviz graphviz-dev
If you need more information about the installation, visit: https://pygraphviz.github.io/documentation/stable/install.html
pip install kaypacha
Oracle DB Colav docker database for scienti have to be already loaded, take a look here
Remember you only can use max 2 threads due a Oracle XE version limitation more information here
Saving the model product for scienti on MongoDB (default users are UDEA_CV,UDEA_GR,UDEA_IN)
kaypacha_scienti --mongo_dbname scienti_udea_2022 --model product --max_threads 2 --checkpoint
Saving all models for scienti on MongoDB
kaypacha_scienti --mongo_dbname scienti_udea_2022 --max_threads 2 --checkpoint
Getting a JSon file sample for the model product for scienti (WARNING: getting the full DB in a file require a huge amount of RAM, use it with careful.)
kaypacha_scienti --mongo_dbname scienti_udea_2022 --model product --json prod.json --max_threads 2 --sample
kaypacha_scienti --mongo_dbname scienti_uec_2022 --model product --max_threads 2 --cvlac_user UEC_CV --gruplac_user UEC_GR --institulac_user UEC_IN --checkpoint
kaypacha_scienti --mongo_dbname scienti_uec_2022 --model endorsement --max_threads 2 --cvlac_user UEC_CV --gruplac_user UEC_GR --institulac_user UEC_IN --checkpoint
kaypacha_scienti --mongo_dbname scienti_ual_2023 --max_threads 2 --cvlac_user UNAULA_CV --gruplac_user UNAULA_GR --institulac_user UNAULA_IN --checkpoint
kaypacha_scienti --mongo_dbname scienti_univalle_2023 --max_threads 2 --cvlac_user UVALLE_CV --gruplac_user UVALLE_GR --institulac_user UVALLE_IN --checkpoint
- product (EN_PRODCUTO)
- network (EN_RED)
- project (EN_PROYECTO)
- event (EN_EVENTO)
- patent (EN_PATENTE)
- publisher (EN_EDITORIAL)
- publisher_other (EN_EDITORIAL_OTRA)
- institution (EN_INSTITUCION)
- implement all the main tables for Scienti.
- resgiter "EN_REGISTRO"
- industrial_secret "EN_SECRETO_INDUSTRIAL"
- recognition "EN_RECONOCIMIENTO"
Oracle DB Colav docker database for siiu have to be already loaded, take a look here
Remember you only can use max 2 threads due a Oracle XE version limitation more information here
Saving the model project for siiu on MongoDB
kaypacha_siiu --model project --max_threads 2 --checkpoint
Saving all models for siiu on MongoDB
kaypacha_siiu --max_threads 2 --checkpoint
Getting a JSON file sample for the model product for scienti (WARNING: getting the full DB in a file require a huge amount of RAM, use it with careful.)
Getting the first 100 registers
kaypacha_siiu --model project --json project.json --max_threads 2 --sample
Getting a random sample, 5.5% of the total amount of registers
kaypacha_siiu --model project --json project.json --max_threads 2 --rand_sample --sample_percent 5.5
Making a graph of the model (There are two types of files supported: svg and png)
kaypacha_siiu --make_diagram project svg
- project (SIIU_PROYECTO)
[WARNING] ORA-12504: TNS:listener was not given the SERVICE_NAME in CONNECT_DATA
A possible solution is to use --ora_dburi
Exaple for patent on scienti.
Also support formats such as SVG and PDF.
kaypacha_blockdiag --model scienti --submodel patent --filename patent.png
BSD-3-Clause License