SecSalud Dockerfiles to create images
Take a look at at folder images.
To test the system package locally, docker and docker-compose is required.
- (or, etc)
- Install
apt install docker-compose
Run in the folder sds-docker
docker-compose up
And open in your browser the link: http://localhost. The full working application would appears directly there.
An architecture if virtualization based on containers was defined, where each module will be an independent container deployed as a multicontainer webapp in the Azure cloud.
Install azure cli
az login
set the right subscription
az account list --output table
az account set --subscription xxxxxx-yyyyy-zzzzzzz
create a plan (
az appservice plan create --name sdsAppServicePlan --resource-group RG-AEU-SDS-QA-OBSE --sku B3 --is-linux
Deploy the app
az webapp create --resource-group RG-AEU-SDS-QA-OBSE --plan sdsAppServicePlan --name sds-investigacion --multicontainer-config-type compose --multicontainer-config-file docker-compose.yml
It takes a while starting the service in azure, you can check at
Some docker commands:
- Be sure that the service is running →
service docker start
- Shut down all the docker services before a new
docker-compose up
→ docker-compose down - List images →
docker images
- Delete image →
docker image rm [IMAGE ID]