
Une extension Chrome pour Twitch

Primary LanguageTypeScript


This extension is intended for streamers for their community. Once configured and deposited on the google store, their viewers can be notified during each live. They will have real-time stream informations and have quick access to the streamer's social media.

Démo : https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/valmaster-live-alert/jhekmffmenimdgfijmealpnoljmlbmho?hl=fr

On live


Getting Started

git clone https://github.com/sunstan/Extension-Chrome-React
cd Extension-Chrome-React


You have to edit src/config.json

Key Type Description
theme string Can be '', 'blue', 'pink', 'red', 'purple', 'green' or 'orange'
client_id string Id provided by Twitch Developer
client_secret string Secret key provided by Twitch Developer
social Object List of http links
notification Object See above

Social Object

Key Type
youtube string
twitter string
facebook string
instagram string
discord string
shop string

Notification Object

**More informations **: https://developer.chrome.com/apps/notifications#type-NotificationOptions

Key Type
type string
title string
message string
iconUrl string