
Repository for DevForum content.

The UnlicenseUnlicense


A repository of DevForum content ranging from whole threads to code snippits which may prove helpful for learning, problem solving or useful in projects in the future. This repository is strictly for DevForum content and does not incorporate any external materials. To summarise things; you could call this a personal DevForum archive with public visibility.


The repository wiki is still in progress, but hopefully it can be set up for expanding on content. With respect to the fact that this repository is meant to be an archive and drafting place, the wiki can provide extra content and resources to work with. I haven't worked with GitHub Wikis before but perhaps if contributions are public, you can add reference content or simplified versions of threads.

Repository Contents

I've hopefully organised the contents of this repository in such a way that navigation should be trivial and easy. Accessibility is a treat especially when it comes to archives. Below are the directories found in this repository and what they mean to me.

Community Tutorials

This directory contains a list of tutorials I have written straight from source. A lot of my threads tend to get lost when new tutorials are posted, so those are preserved here. There is a lack of comments here as well, so you can browse only the content of the thread. Sometimes there may be some useful tidbits in the comments but that's somewhat uncommon.

I have selectively chosen tutorials to put in here. Threads that hold no meaning or aren't worth archiving have been left out. For example, my very first tutorial was written to work around buggy Gui input behaviours. That method has long since been outdated and was initially bad to begin with, therefore it does not appear here.

There is also a directory inside this which shows what tutorials I'm in the process of writing. I keep them here for a few reasons:

  • Creating a draft of a tutorial blocks me from creating threads until the thread is discarded
  • Saving my drafts to notepad on my computer is annoying

QwA (Questions with Answers)

Question section so that you don't have to ask.

What is the purpose of this repository?

There are a lot of useful pieces of content hanging around on the DevForum that it would be worth storing. I figure that GitHub is an ideal place to store them, all things considered (GitHub is an awesome place for codework and collaboration).

What is in this repository?

Check the folders.

When will my pull request be accepted?

You aren't meant to write pull requests to this repository, but I'll review them on a case-by-case basis. Please only make a pull request if there is an outdated piece of information that I have yet to fix, do not suggest any other kind of changes (e.g. modification of a post for the sake of addressing a code sample).

When will my issue be addressed?


Anything else?

No, not really. I'll update this README if there's anything else to be added.