
Microsoft Azure CLI Utility 'util' Extension

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Microsoft Azure CLI Utility 'util' Extension adds useful "utilities" for common or tedious tasks.


To install the Azure CLI Utility extension, simply run the following command:

az extension add --source https://github.com/colbylwilliams/az-util/releases/latest/download/util-0.1.4-py2.py3-none-any.whl -y


To update Azure CLI Utility extension to the latest version:

az util update

or for the latest pre-release version:

az util update --pre


This extension adds the following commands. Use az util -h for more information.

util group

Utilities for managing resource groups.

util group delete

Delete multiple resource groups by name.


Delete all resource groups with names starting with test.

az util group delete --prefix test

Delete all resource groups with names starting with test skipping test123.

az util group delete --prefix test --skip test123

util keyvault

Utilities for managing keyvaults.

util keyvault purge

Purge (permanently delete) deleted keyvaults.


Purge (permanently delete) all deleted keyvaults.

az util keyvault purge

Purge (permanently delete) all deleted keyvaults skipping test123.

az util keyvault purge --skip test123