
self-validating models for Laravel\Eloquent

Primary LanguagePHP

Aware Model

Self validating models for Laravel 3.1's built-in Eloquent ORM

Laravel 4

If you looking to include Aware in your laravel 4 project, you can find the repository here.



php artisan bundle:install aware

Bundle Registration

add the following to application/bundles.php

'aware' => array(
  'autoloads' => array(
    'map' => array(
      'Aware' => '(:bundle)/model.php'

What's new in 2.0.0?

  1. eloquent 2 / Laravel 3.1 support
  2. removed temporary attributes
  3. overridable onSave function

If something is broken...

  • Aware 2.0.0 only supports Laravel 3.1, if you're using Laravel <= 3.0 download version 1.2
  • Remember Aware no longer supports temporary attributes! if a validation rule isn't used every time put it in the controller



Aware aims to extend the Eloquent model without changing its core functionality. All Eloquent models are compatible with Aware.

To create a new Aware model, simply extend the Aware class:

class User extends Aware {}


Aware models use Laravel's built-in Validator class. Defining validation rules for a model is simple:

class User extends Aware {

   * Aware validation rules
  public static $rules = array(
    'name' => 'required',
    'email' => 'required|email'



Aware models validate themselves automatically when Aware->save() is called.

$user = new User();
$user->name = 'Colby';
$user->email = 'crabideau5691@gmail.com';
$user->save(); // returns false if model is invalid

note: You also can validate a model at an time using the Aware->valid() method.

Retrieving Errors

When an Aware model fails to validate, a Laravel\Messages object is attached to the Aware object.

Retrieve all errors with Aware->errors->all().

Retrieve errors for a specific attribute using Aware->errors->get('attribute').

note: Aware leverages Laravel's Messages object which has an simple and elegant method of formatting errors

Overriding Validation

There are two ways to override Aware's validation:

1. Force Save

force_save() validates the model but saves regardless of whether or not there are errors

2. Override Rules and Messages

both Aware->save($rules, $messages) and Aware->valid($rules, $messages) take to parameters

$rules is an array of Validator rules of the same form as Aware->rules. The same is true of the $messages parameter.

An array that is not empty will override the rules or messages specified by the class for that instance of the method only.

note: the default value for $rules and $messages is array(), if you pass an array() nothing will be overriden


Aware provides a convenient method for performing actions when either $model->save() is called. For example, use onSave to automatically hash a users password:

class User extends Aware {

  public function onSave()
    // if there's a new password, hash it
      $this->password = Hash::make($this->password);

    return true;


Notice that onSave returns a boolean. If you would like to halt save, return false.

Note: force_save() has it's own onForceSave() method, which behaves just like onSave.

Overriding onSave

Just like, $rules and $messages, onSave can be overridden at call time. Simply pass a closure to the save function.

$user-save(array(), array(), function ($model) {
  echo "saving!";
  return true;

Note: the closure should have one parameter as it will be passed a reference to the model being saved.

Custom Error Messages

Just like the Laravel Validator, Aware lets you set custom error messages using the same sytax.

class User extends Aware {

   * Aware Messages
  public static $messages = array(
    'required' => 'The :attribute field is required.'



Custom Validation Rules

You can create custom validation rules the same way you would for the Laravel Validator.