The project is generated by LoopBack.
Loopback models' database schema is not created in the datasource by default.
In order to persist the models into the database, you have to create a boot script that loads all the models using your datasource (PostgreSQL, in this case), check if they're the same with the model definitions on the server (common/models/* and app.datasources.PostgreSQL
) with app.datasources.PostgreSQL.isActual
and use autoupdate
(or automigrate
, which drops the model table and recreates it, instead of updating the structure). In this project this operation is handled by the 01-create-dbschema.js script.
After creating the tables, you have to create your roles, users and user-role mappings, relations and first data (like the default admin users). The script for creating default user data is handled by the 02-create-users.js boot script.
I noticed that, although the 1 Loopback Boot Script Order Documentation says that the boot script load order can be specified (forced) by adding an order number to the beginning of the file name, running the application on Node v6.9.1 and Ubuntu 16.10, does not load and execute the scripts in that order. I had to start the application twice to create the db schema and then the users. I ran the application with DEBUG=loopback:boot,datasource:* npm start
to see the boot script load order. In case this does not show the desired output, you could run the app with DEBUG=loopback:boot:* npm start
or DEBUG=loopback:boot:* node .
Applying order numbers to all scripts seems to solve the problem on local machine. I used to have numbers only on create-dbschema.js and create-users.js; authentication.js, root.js and debug.js did not (considered these can be loaded at the end.)
To access PGSQL Prompt without switching accounts:
sudo -u postgres psql
To exit PGSQL Prompt session:
postgres=# \q
To Create a new Role:
sudo -u postgres createuser --interactive
To Create a new Database:
sudo -u postgres createdb loopback
To Create a new Table:
CREATE TABLE [table-name] {
col_name1 col_type (field-length) col_constraints,
col_name2 col_type (field-length),
col_name3 col_type (field-length)
id serial PRIMARY KEY,
email varchar (50) NOT NULL,
password varchar (50) NOT NULL,
created date