Try: React To Do App
First of all I draw your attention to what I using in this project redux, redux-saga and typescript This project could only be written in React and there is no need for Redux at all. So here I use all this as an example of how I use them together, because on real projects with React they always use state containers for storing data(Redux and etc.). And the Typecript is here for an example of how I type React-Redax applications.
- React
- Redux
- react-redux
- react-router-dom
- redux-devtools-extension
- redux-logger
- react-responsive
- react-toggle
- axios
- node-sass
- json-server
- typescript
- eslint
First of all:
Git clone(HTTPS)
git clone
Install dependencies:
npm i
npm run start
And in another console:
npm run fake-json