
autojump command for Eshell

Primary LanguageEmacs Lisp


autojump command for Eshell

License GPLv3 MELPA MELPA Stable

Use the command j to list common directories and to jump to them.

Function Documentation


Read the initial value of eshell-autojump-map from eshell-autojump-file. The file format is a simple alist. Ignore non-directories.


Save the value of eshell-autojump-map to eshell-autojump-file. The file format is a simple alist. Reduce values by 1% such that eventually unused items fall off the list after not being used in a hundred sessions.


Record the current directory. curdir is set by eshell/cd.


Return the most popular directories. Return list of keys sorted by value, descending, from eshell-autojump-map.

(eshell/j &rest ARGS)

Jump to a directory you often cd to. This compares the argument with the list of directories you usually jump to. Without an argument, list the ten most common directories. With a positive integer argument, list the n most common directories. Otherwise, call eshell/cd with the result.

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