
TCP/IP controlled VPI JTAG Interface.

Primary LanguageVerilog


TCP/IP controlled VPI JTAG Interface.

+------------------+     +-----------------+     +------------------+      +----------+
+                  +     +                 +     +                  +      +          +
+ Testbench client + <=> + JTAG VPI server + <-> + JTAG VPI verilog + <--> + JTAG TAP +
+                  +     +                 +     +                  +      +          +
+------------------+     +-----------------+     +------------------+      +----------+
    test_client.c             jtag_vpi.c               jtag_vpi.v             any tap...
-------------------- TCP  ------------------  VPI ---------------------   --------------
--------------------      ---------------------------------------------   --------------

A testbench is provided and can be run with:

cd sim/run
make sim

This simulation requires icarus verilog. Result output is a waveform in VCD format.


This a TCP/IP controlled JTAG running with verilator.

+------------------+     +-----------------+     +---------------------------------+
+                  +     +                 +     +                                 +
+ Testbench client + <=> +    jtagServer   + <-> + Verilated model with a JTAG TAP +
+                  +     +                 +     +                                 +
+------------------+     +-----------------+     +---------------------------------+
    test_client.c           jtagServer.cpp                a soc with any tap...
-------------------- TCP  -------------------- Verilator -------------------------------
--------------------      --------------------------------------------------------------

A verilator testbench is provided and can be run with:

cd sim/run
make sim_verilator

This simulation requires verilator. Result output is a waveform in VCD format.