Task Management API

A simple task-management demo. Implemented with Clean Architecture in mind.


Clone the repo:

git clone https://github.com/coldplayz/neyo-task-management.git

cd to the clone repo and install dependencies:

cd neyo-task-management
npm install

Basic Usage

Before starting the server, ensure you have an instance of MongoDB running (tested with MongoDB v6.1.0).

Also, you can optionally set the following environment variables:

Name Description
PORT Optional. Server port. Default: 3456.

Start the dev server:

npm run dev

Make requests to the endpoints

curl http://localhost:3456/

That's the sanity check endpoint. It returns a simple object:

  "success": true,
  "data": "LIVE"

Socket Event Stream

The API also exposes a socket stream for notifying of events, using socket.io.

These events are related to CRUD operations on the API, and include:

  • createUser
  • getUsers
  • getUserById
  • editUserById
  • deleteUserById
  • login
  • logout
  • refreshToken
  • createTask
  • getTasks
  • getTaskById
  • editTaskById
  • deleteTaskById

There's also a generic apiEvent event that is emitted after a request to the sanity check endpoint (/).

Subscribe to any of these events onbthe clients to get updates, with some support for connection recovery.

API Endpoints

Create User (public)

Create a new user

POST /api/v1/users

Request Body

Name Type Description
firstName string Required. User's first name
lastName string Required. User's last name
email string Required. User's unique email
password string Required. User's password

Failure Response

Status: 401 Unauthorized

Success Response

Status: 201 Created

Returns the newly created user object.

Get Multiple Users (public)

Get multiple users, filterable by query params. Public at present for testing purposes.

GET /api/v1/users

Request Query

Name Type Description
firstName string Optional. User's first name
lastName string Optional. User's last name
email string Optional. User's unique email
role string Optional. User's role

Failure Response

Status: 500 Internal Server Error

Success Response

Status: 200 OK

Returns user objects meeting the query criteria, or all if no criteria.

Get User by ID (public)

Get a specific user using their unique database ID. Public at present for testing purposes.

GET /api/v1/users/:id

Failure Response

Status: 404 Not Found

Success Response

Status: 200 OK

Returns a specific user object.

Update a User by ID (public)

Update a specific user's data. Public at present for testing purposes.

PUT /api/v1/users/:id

Request Body

Name Type Description
firstName string Optional. User's first name
lastName string Optional. User's last name
email string Optional. User's unique email
password string Optional. User's password

Failure Response

Status: 404 Not Found

Success Response

Status: 200 OK

Returns the updated user object.

Delete User by ID (public)

Remove a specific user using their unique database ID. Public at present for testing purposes.

DELETE /api/v1/users/:id

Failure Response

Status: 404 Not Found

Success Response

Status: 204 No Content

Removes the specific user from the database.

Login (public)

Logs a user in by providing access and refresh tokens.

POST /api/v1/auth/login

Request Body

Name Type Description
email string Required. User's unique email
password string Required. User's password

Failure Response

Status: 401 Unauthorized

Success Response

Status: 200 OK

Returns access and refresh tokens for accessing private endpoints.

Logout (private)

Sign a logged-in user out of their session.

POST /api/v1/auth/logout

Failure Response

Status: 401 Unauthorized

Success Response

Status: 200 OK

Refresh User Token (public)

For a valid refresh token, generate and return a new access (and refresh) token.

GET /api/v1/auth/refresh-token

Failure Response

Status: 401 Unauthorized

Success Response

Status: 201 Created

Returns new access and refresh tokens.

Create Task (private)

Create a new user task.

POST /api/v1/tasks

Request Body

Name Type Description
description string Required. Details of the task

Failure Response

Status: 401 Unauthorized

Success Response

Status: 201 Created

Returns the newly created task object.

Get Multiple Tasks (private)

Get multiple tasks, filterable by query params and specific to the authenticated user.

GET /api/v1/tasks

Request Query

Name Type Description
done boolean Optional. Task pending state.

Failure Response

Status: 401 Unauthorized

Success Response

Status: 200 OK

Returns task objects meeting the query criteria, or all if no criteria.

Get Task by ID (public)

Get a specific task using their unique database ID. Public at present for testing purposes.

GET /api/v1/tasks/:id

Failure Response

Status: 404 Not Found | 401 Unauthorized

Success Response

Status: 200 OK

Returns a specific task object.

Update a Task by ID (private)

Update a specific user task.

PUT /api/v1/tasks/:id

Request Body

Name Type Description
done boolean Optional. Task pending state.
description string Optional. Task details.

Failure Response

Status: 404 Not Found | 401 Unauthorized

Success Response

Status: 200 OK

Returns the updated task object.

Delete Task by ID (private)

Remove a specific task using their unique database ID.

DELETE /api/v1/tasks/:id

Failure Response

Status: 404 Not Found | 401 Unauthorized

Success Response

Status: 204 No Content

Removes the specific task from the database.